Chapter 5 - Detention

Start from the beginning

"Would you just be patient for once, we are here because Potter and the other two are here!"

"Why are they here?"

"I don't know!"

"Well come on, let go see then"

We walked over to one of the windows that was slightly open and Draco and I peered through and as a result saw some reptile looking creature placed upon the table and everyone huddled around it.

I fixed my eyes on the animal and I immediately realised what it was, a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon. I remember reading about them in a book and specifically remember how they are incredibly illegal to own.

Suddenly I heard Hagrid say "The Malfoys!"

I quickly tugged Draco and we sprinted off to find professor Snape,


"Professor!" We call out unkowingly

Yet to our suprise Mrs McGonagall swiftly turned round and looked rather surprised, "Children what are you doing out of bed at this time!"

I gave Draco a quick nudge indicating for him to go along with it, "Professor we saw Potter, Weasley, Granger out by the forbidden forest in Hagrids hut." I said in a very smug voice.

"They must have been there for ages because they were in deep conversation about some odd looking creature placed on the table" He added

"Norwegian Ridgeback" I muttered under my breath

"Pardon miss Malfoy" Professor McGonagall said before she was cut of by the golden trio voices in the corridor next to us, we followed Professor McGonagall out to where Harry, Ron and Hermione where standing and presented them with our naturally snarky expressions.

"Nothing, I repeat nothing gives a student the right to walk about the school at night. Therefore as punishment for your actions 50 points will be taken from each of your houses."

"50!" Potter says while the others look at each other in shock and frustration, while Draco and I nervously glanced at each other not knowing fully quite how many of us she was talking about.

"And to insure it does not happen again all five of you will receive detention." She finishes

"Excuse me professor, perhaps I heard you wrong, I thought you said the five of us?" Draco says wearily

"No you heard me correctly Mr Malfoy, you see as honourable as your intentions were. You two were also out of bed after hours. You will join your classmates in detention."

Just great, we will have to spend extra, and easily avoidable, time with our all time least favourite people ever.

With that she took us all to filch and he led us back out of the castle and over to hagrids hut where we had freely been running around trying to catch the three fellow students who were unconvincingly joining us in our detention, only 20 minutes ago.

"Pitty they let the old punishments go, there was once a time detention found you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. Merlin I miss the screaming." Filch says drooling at the thought

I gulped and looked over at Draco with fear yet was presented with him looking just as scared and thankfully carried on making our way over to Hagrids hut in dead silence.

"You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight, he's got a little job to do inside the dark forest..."

As we got closer to Hagrid I heard him sniff, was he crying

"Oh god, your not still going on about that bloody dragon are you?" Filch teased.

I was right, It was a dragon!

"Norberts gone. Dumbledore is going to send him off to Romania to live in a colony."

I let out a small laugh trying to quickly cover it up with a cough yet everyone still looked over at me. "I'm sorry its just, you named a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon Norbert" I questioned while trying my hardest not to laugh again.

Granger just gave me a cold glare and went over to comfort Hagrid, "Well that's good isn't it? He will be living with his own kind."

"Yeah but what if he don't like Romania? What if the other dragons are mean to him? He's only a baby after all...."

I couldn't take it anymore, Draco and I bursted out laughing. The trio then stared us aggressively but I couldn't help it.

"Oh for gods sake, pull yourself together man, your going into the forest after all. Got to have your wits about yer"

"The forest?" I yelp while giving filch a worried look "I thought that was a joke, we can't go in there!"

"Students are not allowed, and there's well... there's werewolves..." Draco says concerned yet still stepping nearer to me protectively.

"Oh there is more than werewolves out there, you can be sure of that."

I gulped inching my way even closer to Draco.

"Right lets go." Hagrid said with a clap of his hands


Hagrid led us into the forest and split us up into groups. Hermione, Ron and Hagrid while Draco and I were stuck with Potter.

We had to find dead unicorns because some creature has been killing them to get their blood. I felt a wave of sorrow, I had always loved animals and the fact someone was killing them for there blood sickened me.

"Okay, but we get fang." Draco ordered

"Fine, but just so you know he's a bloody coward"

I turned to look at the depressing whimpering dog, ugh just great.

We walked for a bit, Draco mostly complaining and kept repeating "My Father will hear about this", Harry just ignoring us and was consistently rubbing his scar for some odd reason and I was complaining about getting my new dressing gown muddy.

Suddenly we came across this black figure standing over a dead unicorn, Draco and I screamed and ran as far away as we could leaving Harry alone with whatever that was. For all I care I am not about to die saving Potter.

"Hagrid!" I screamed

"What? Where is Harry?" He replies instantly becoming concerned

"We saw a black figure who was crouching over a dead unicorn sucking at its blood, then Harry fell but we were so scared so we just ran and then I saw you and here we are" I spluttered frantically

"You left Harry alone with that thing?" Granger shouted

"Shut up mudblood. If you were there you would have left him too." I spat before we were quickly interrupted by Hagrid who had rushed off to find Harry.

We led him were the figure had been only to see Harry with a centaur, "Harry!" Ron exclaimed

"Harry Potter, you are safe now, good luck." With that the centaur walked off and that was the end to tonight late night events

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