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Hi! Hope you enjoy it!

P.S. I don't know if you can see the picture. Let me know if you can't see it. If you can, that's supposed to be Veronica.


"Bye! I'll miss you!" said Veronica.

"You'll only be gone for a minute," answered Lily.

"For you. For me, I'll be gone for years," said Veronica.

"Bye!" they both said and gave each other a hug.

Veronica stepped inside the machine and the clear glass doors closed. Lily waved and gave a worried smile. Victoria pushed a small, green button inside. A second later, she was gone. And where Lily was standing, the room was suddenly empty.

Victoria was scared. The machine was shaking and outside she couldn't see anything. So she called it The Nothing. But suddenly she could see light. It was the sun. She was back on Earth. But where on Earth? And when was she?

The machine crashed and the doors shattered so Victoria crawled out. She saw someone outside. 

"Ex-excuse me," Victoria said to the stranger, "Where am I? And what year is it?" 

"Are you stupid?" asked the stranger, "You are in the Empire of Rome! And the year is 340!"

I-I did it! I am the first person to ever travel in time! I did it!"

Author's Note: This chapter is unusually small, but I promise the rest of the chapters are much longer.

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