Chill day(haha jokes on you)

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„FUCKING CUNT COME BACK?!" I yelled while I chased Dream. „SHUT THE FUCK UP!" yelled Lukas.

Now you might be wondering how I came in this Situation. Let me start over.

*Dramatic Flashback music playing*

„Good morning sleepy head." said a very very deep voice. „HOLY MORHER TRUCKER" I yelled and fell out of bed. „That was fun" said Techno who helped me up. „I wouldn't exactly say it like that but sure." I agreed. „So boyyyyys what are you two planning for today?" I asked while we walked down for Breakfast. „Killing Orphans." Said Techno. „NO!" screamed Schlatt. „I was down for it to be honest but okay." I mumbled. „OI WATCH WHERE YOU GOING." yelled a boy I ran into. „Sorry your highness." I said as I looked up to the Person. Oh honk it was Lukas. He smirked at me and walked away. Why da honking honk did I say your HIGHNESS?! I was walking to my usual spot when I saw that the amazing Dream Team sat infront of my spot. „You guys are in the wrong spot." I said as I walked up to them. „Oh shit Y/N and the Dream Team they hate each other." I heard people visit. I chuckled. „Leave" I said. „Why should we? Scared you can't stop watching at me." Dream said teasingly. „Ha you wish you wear a mask bitchboy. And its because I can't stand you guys." I said and sat down. „Listen here Bitch. You should be happy that you have our Company." Sapnap said. „Ohh Snapmap you can stay of couuuurse who wouldn't want your Company? Its not like my Iq sinks every second I'm talking to you." I said and smiled while I ate my Pancakes. George laughed while Sapnap boxed him. Dream just stared at me. „Aren't ya havin a TV at home that you can stare at." I asked Dream. „Nah I'm just lookin at a fat donkey eatin." he said. „Where do you see a mirror?" I asked.


„Sup losers" said Lukas as he walked to the field. I rolled my eyes. „What is HE doing here?" Snapmap asked. „He is hear to watch us play, because maybe Y/N and Lukas are switching positions." Our Teacher said. I tried to hide my shock. WHAT IN THE FUCKING WORLD IS GOING ON? WHY IS HE GOING TO TAKE MY PLACE maybe. Dream looked at me and he didn't laughed at me like I thought he would. I swallowed hard when I asked the wuestion of questions. „Uhm.. why am I going to change Positions with him?" I asked. „Well you see, you are good but I want to see if Lukas is better." She said. „But first we will see who can find the schnatz. First. LETS GO."

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