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"up, up let's go" johnny's deep voice echoed and my eyes fluttered a bit. "c'mon" he said impatiently as i was still trying to focus my vision.

"alright, alright" i sharply inhaled and adjusted to my surroundings, and instantly i felt back and neck pain.

"i hear them so we have to move" he held out his hand. i took it, and he pulled me up to my feet.

i rubbed my eyes as he handed me my bow, arrows, and rifles and urged me to get out of there.  "where do you hear them?" my eyes squinted as i walked out of the cave, lazily gripping my gun.

"two hundred feet northeast" he said as we started to move and my steps were still lazy.

"how long have you been up for?" i asked but was quickly silenced by him covering my mouth with his large hand.

i furrowed my brows and looked up at him as we stopped walking. he was scanning the area carefully and i was a bit scared. "we're surrounded" he whispered almost inaudible. "about twenty people" he removed his hands form my mouth and i took the hint to stay quiet. "be careful where you walk" he nodded at me and i gave a stern one back.

i totally forgot that i had to be quiet. my subconscious mind must've been ready to talk since i haven't talked to anyone in so long. i remember before i moved away from my father all i would do is just talk to my brother or all my girl-friends from school. and once again that guilt-wave rushed right through my veins again.

i decided on not talking for the rest of the time but still being extra skittish considering they were trying to hunt us down in close range.

~one hour later~

we climbed up a huge hill it took us almost forty-five minutes.

my legs were aching but i tried not to look phased considering this was just a warmup for john. "we should have a good view up here" he pushed up his headband and looked down at the view trying to see where we are.

i looked down the little ledge i was on and seen a camp like structure set up with a ton of people and tents stood and rambled around. lots of equipment and cars.

my eyes trailed on the road that lead away from the little camp and back to the trail to the town i'm assuming.

"hey johnny i-" i made eye contact with him but immediately got cut off when we heard the sounds of guns cocking.

my eyes went wide and i grabbed the rifle i had slung around my back. "be quiet" he demanded in a low voice, and crept towards me. "i hear them approaching on both sides of us," he bent down to my height so i could hear him more clearly. "you watch this side, i get this side" he pointed behind him as i nodded with a shaky heartbeat.

i was terrified but a source of adrenaline ran through me as my hands shook a bit. "i can't take shaky hands for this" he rolled his eyes a little and held my hands gently in his big ones.

i nodded again and turned around and faced my side, ready for anything.

john also turned around, our backs to each other so we had all ground surfaced. the sound of ten footsteps came closer and closer as the crunching of the leaves underneath their feet increased in sound.

my jaw clenched as i stood up straight.

"ready.." he mumbled quietly as i didn't take my eyes off the area they would come in.

the moment i seen the front half of their body, my finger pulled the trigger.

the guns kickback was someone strong that i wasn't used to since i've been shooting physically my whole life. i got used to the kickback and aimed it more precise now as al the cops and military men fell.

she was the only one. (john rambo x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя