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the evening was cold as usual. it always gets like this during winter. cold and lonely.

i sat in my little cabin, starting up the fire and boiling my water over it to make some tea. usually i never do, but it was a special occasion.

i stepped away from my fire and went over to my small fridge, and grabbed the little cupcake i pre-made earlier this afternoon. i opened up my cabinets and grabbed a single birthday candle that i had kept since his last birthday and i felt my pocket to make sure my lighter was still in there.

i set down all of the objects in my hand on my little side table, and went back to my small bedroom and grabbed the picture frame which was his military photo along with other pictures i had with him, and the heartbreaking letter that i refuse to look at again.

i took a deep breath and set down the picture frame of him in front of me. i took his dog-tags that i had around my neck off of me and set them down next to the photo.

i grabbed the little cupcake and stuck the candle in the middle, lighting it carefully. "happy birthday to you," i sighed and stared at the picture. "happy birthday to you," i sang the words quietly as my voice shook, trying not to bawl my eyes out. "happy birthday dear michael.." tears threatened my lash line as i quickly wiped them away with. "happy birthday to you." i smiled at the photo and quietly clapped my hands, blowing out the candle.

i remembered how we always loved his birthday. god i miss him.

"would've been twenty-eight today," i plastered a smile on my face, rubbing my eyes again of the tears that rolled down my face. i grasped his dog-tags in my hand, considering that was the last piece i ever had of him. it made me cry even more.

i missed you more and more everyday, michael jones.

~a few weeks later~

i kicked my boots off at the door so i wouldn't track mud in my little cabin. once i stepped inside i set down the dead hog i had hunted in the woods, and unlaced my boots.

finally some good dinner.

i had already skinned the animal, so all i need to do now is just let it roast for a few hours. i threw some logs in my fire place set up my pole that i would put the meat on.

as i waited for the fire to heat up, i slid off my big jacket and my pants, leaving me just in my crew neck and jeans. i neatly set them down on my little table near my door and placed my boots next to them.

i let my hair down from being tied up all day, and it felt like such a relief. my hands messed with it a little before i got back to work.

i grabbed the big hunk of meat and slid it onto the pole, and let it roast. this is going to take awhile.

i sighed, but i know i had some things to do.

i decided it would probably be best to go clean off my arrows since blood covered almost half of them.

i slipped on my boots for a second so i could walk outside to get them. i opened up my door and walked to the side of my home where my equipment was, but i also heard some noise.

it was a ton of gunshots. way too many for my area.

i decided to go investigate further.

i grabbed some of my arrows and loaded up my bow just incase. i crept around some corners, slowly seeing more and more of the scene happening in front of me.

according to my observation, four men were shooting after one guy, and that one guy was heading straight towards me.

"move lady move!" he was a big guy, and i was scared. out of instinct i pulled my bow out on him and aimed it at him, which his face suddenly filled with fear. "they're trying to kill me please" he raised his hands in defense and i stared at him some more.

she was the only one. (john rambo x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt