Chapter 2

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(*A/N Imagine Zion Williamson as Mike*)

Boy, was I wrong. Mike and I arrived at the party, about 20 minutes later. We took our time, but not late enough for myself. Why?

Look at it this way. I'm a sophomore, at one of the most prestigious institutions on the planet. Not because of my parent's money, but because I'm smart. Apparently, not smart enough.

"There they are! The two upcoming best basketball players at Duke! Josh and Mike, everybody!" I hear Connor shout. Everyone cheers, and I can't help but feel, embarrassed. I mean, we all can tell he's already drunk.

As the cheering dies down, Connor makes his towards us, with a smirk on his lips. Oh, how I so wanna knock him out. I need a drink, preferably non-alcoholic. Maybe a soda will suffice.

"So, you two finally show up. I was waiting for the whole team to get here. Now that it is, let's play Truth or Dare!" He shouts in my ear. I wince at the volume of his voice by my ear.

This is a freaking nightmare! I'm almost having a panic attack, and my captain is the reason. Why did I come here? Oh yeah, I remember, I hate suicides.

"Yo Connor, let them mingle for a bit," CJ says." They just got here after all. They need to get drinks. We'll play then they'll join. How does that sound?"

"Aight bet," I surprise myself by speaking." Yo Mike, anything to drink?"

"Just a water bro. You know where to find me," Mike says to me. I get to the kitchen. Now to get a drink.

As I look at the variety of alcoholic beverages in the kitchen, I take notice of a figure walking towards me. When I look up, I see the infamous Skyler Paige. Her full name is just full names. Surprising, right?

When I say Skyler is beautiful, I don't mean the type of beauty you'd say, "Awe, she cute." The beauty I'm talking about is the type where you'd stare like your life depended on it.

This was Skyler. She was stunning. Standing at a proud 5'7, she looked like she was sculpted by Aphrodite herself.

"Hey, Josh. Do you, by any chance, want to dance with me?" She says. My life just stopped, literally. There's no turning back now.

"S-sure." I stutter. "Let me just do something for a minute. Then I'm all yours." Where the heck is this confidence come from. Adrenaline. Definitely, adrenaline.

To be continued...

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