Chapter Ten

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A/N: Adult content near the end of the chapter. Reader's discretion if you are under 18!


"Those reports..." Michaela's voice came back to her. "Are you the one responsible for those missing people?"

David turned his back on her and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Not all of them."

Not all of them. Not all of them. NOT ALL OF THEM! Michaela's bugged eyes literally jumped from their sockets, and her heart was screaming at her to get the hell away from this man and run home into the safety of her family. A part of her did not want to believe he was responsible for innocent lives lost, but she knew she was being impulsive and ridiculous. David's brow rose when he saw her backing away, abruptly sick at having been manipulated into attacking that girl. Gagging, she threw her head forward, vomiting into the sand. She rested her hands on her knees, gagging and panting. Her body began shivering as David strolled to her, leaning forward as she regained her composure.



"Mikey..." David held out his hand to stroke her face, until Michaela reared up and slashed her claws across his face. David moaned, stumbling back as fresh blood dripped from Michaela's elongated nails. His eyes widened as warm crimson seeped through three cuts. Michaela snarled, revealing her fangs and bloodred eyes in rage. He gasped as she stared at the tips of her fingers, running her tongue across to lap up the red underneath her nails. However, upon tasting his blood, Michaela spit.

"BLEGH! You're a killer! How could you do that to so many innocent lives?!"

"Innocent?" David grimaced at the word. "This world is filled with killers, rapists, crooked cops, and you accuse me of murdering the innocent? Look around you, Michaela!"

Michaela growled and turned on her feet to leave, assuring him this would be the last time he'd see her. Her heart started racing as a million thoughts carried her to the opposite end of the beach, away from the crowds and out of David's sight. The taste of Mackenzie's blood still tingled on her lips, and she shook her head to try and rid herself of the cravings. It was her fault; it was all her fault! She could not believe herself. Now that she tasted human blood, she would want more, and the people surrounding her on the boardwalk was making it impossible for her not to go on a rampage. She needed to get to the Frogs and Sam to tell them what happened. If David's blood is what turned her, then they needed to go after him. As she reached her bike, she kicked one leg over the seat and revved it up, resolved to end this once and for all. That is, till David's muscular arms wrapped around her shoulders. Michaela swallowed when she felt his head in the crook of her neck, her legs stiffening.

"Michaela..." David's cool voice iced her bones. "Listen."

"No," she stammered, shaking her head. "I can't."

"Mikey," David's voice grew serious and firm. "Turn off your bike."

Michaela balled her hands into a fist, and reluctantly, her motorcycle's engine geared to a halt. She climbed off and pocketed her keys in her jean jacket, shaking out of David's grip and backing away.

"Look at me, sweetheart," he cupped her face in his hands and to his surprise, she didn't appear enraged. She was conflicted.

"Come with me. I'll explain everything."


David and Michaela walked into the cave together. Paul, Marko, and Dwayne were sitting around the fountain, rambling and drawn into their boyisnh antics until their leader came back with the Emerson sister. Paul and David smiled, whistling at her that it was good she returned. Marko gave her a smirk, but Michaela's expression remained neutral with her arms folded across her chest. As David took his seat in his wheelchair, he folded his hands together.

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