"The Date"

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        Bev couldn't have been happier than when (Y/n) told her she needed help getting ready. Meaning that she was already on her way with her makeup kit and and book of looks to style.

       (Y/n) was never too too into what she was wearing or how she looked, because she already knew she was fine as hell. However, this was her first date and she was excited.

   The two girls sat and gossiped, laughed, and told secrets. It was nice just to have another girl to talk to, for both Beverly and (Y/n). The both of them were usually really busy with the boys, not having much time to talk to each other.

  "So, any crushes?" (Y/n) asked.
"Ben, maybe. Bill too. Ben's so sweet and so innocent. On the other hand, Bills so strong and confident."
"Down girl." (Y/n) joked. The two laughed, making Bev catch a glimpse of the clock on the wall. "Ok! Hurry up and change." She rushed.

   "Well, you have to let me see it if you want an opinion!" Bev yelled as (Y/n) walked out of her closet in one of her favorite outfits. "You. Look. So. Cute!!" The redhead squealed, gushing over (Y/n) .
"You think he'll like it?"
"I know he'll love it."

    The rest of the losers came to see her off, each checking her to make sure she had everything. All of them brought her something as a little, 'happy first date' type thing. (Y/n) appreciated all of their little gifts. They all gave her stuff like mints, chapstick, and makeup wipes just in case. Richie, however, handed her a condom. "Richie!" "Think of it as a gift, hot stuff."

The car beeped from outside, which signaled that it was time for her to go. She hugged all of them, running outside, getting a jacket thrown at her by Beverly.

"I love you guys!" Yelled the girl. They all smiled and waved her off, as she hopped into Caiden's car. He smiled kindly at her, she did the same. "You look astounding." Gawked Caiden, who was staring. "You don't look too bad yourself." Rebutted the girl.

   They got to the movie, which happened to be one of   
(Y/n)'s favorite classics 'It's a Wonderful World'. It's a beautiful movie in her opinion.  (A/n: Merry Christmas even though it's not even close)

     Throughout the movie, (Y/n) and Caiden occasionally bumped hands, which made her a little nervous. He smiled warmly at her, which caused her to smile back.

   By the end of the movie, the two were holding hands.
"I've never seen that before." Caiden confessed.
"Are you serious?"
"As the plague."

    The two walked around the small town, swinging their interlocked hands back and forth as they talked to each other. The cold autumn air caused (Y/n) to shiver a little, mostly because her Jean jacket wasn't too warm and she was wearing a skirt.

    Caiden saw this and chucked at her, "Do you want my jacket?" He asked.
"I'm ok."
"(Y/n), you're shivering."
"But you'll be cold if I take it."
Caiden laughed once again. "That's what you're worried about? Me being cold?" (Y/n) nodded, "Well, obviously." She said. He took off his jacket and handed it to her. She put it on, even if it was a little bit short on her, and smiled at him.

    Caiden could've sworn that (Y/n) was unreal. She looked so cute in his jacket, and that smile. It was enough to make a boy fall in love.

   (Y/n) had her face buried in his jacket, loving the way he smelled. She really hoped that wasn't weird. He smelled like coffee, which was probably because he worked at a cafe. She loved it though, to her it was the best smell in the world.

   The two walked rather quietly, no discussions being shared. There would be an occasional playful nudge or an awkward stare.
  "Come on." Caiden said, grabbing her by the hand and pulling her into a diner.
    "What's this?" She asked.
  "Well, since you look so lovely, I want to extend this date. Besides, on the chance that you happen to be hungry, what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't get you dinner?"
   "That's sweet. Let's get dinner." (Y/n) smiled, deciding that she'd be back a little later than planned.

  The waitress came over and smiled at the two. "You guys are such a cute couple! What can I get for you?" She took out a pen and a notepad.
    "I'll take the pancakes." (Y/n) said excitedly.
Caiden smiled at her, thinking that was just the cutest thing ever.
   "I'll have what she's having. And can you get us two strawberry milkshakes? Extra whipped cream."
  "And what on the pancakes?"
  "Sprinkles." (Y/n) smiled.
Caiden laughed, "That's adorable. I'll be having the same."

      "Why eat breakfast if it's already 10?" Asked the blond boy, to which the (H/t) A/N: (H/t) is hair type I.E curly, wavy, straight. "Well," (Y/n) paused, "What if the world explodes? Then I will have died without breakfast for the day." She replies. "I never thought of it that way. I don't think the world is ending any time soon though." Caiden reassures.

      The two laugh and talk and eat until about 11 o'clock. Which is also around the time that (Y/n) wanted to be home by. Caiden payed for the food, despite the girls protests, causing the waitress to gush over how cute they were together.

    Caiden, being the gentleman he is, walked (Y/n) home, holding her hand the entire way there.
"So, (Y/n), I just wanted to say thank you for an amazing night. I hope we can do this again sometime." He says.
(Y/n) blushes and shifts her stance a little. "I had a great time. Next time though, I'm paying for it." She says smoothly. "Next time?" He asks, "Well, if you're not busy next weekend, I'd like to take you out." (Y/n) smiles at the now flustered boy. "I'd love to. Goodnight (n/n)."

    As he turns to walk away a faint, "Wait." Could be heard. He turns around to look at (Y/n), who's standing outside her door. "Yes?" He asks, walking back towards her. (Y/n) gets all of her courage together and pecks Caiden on the cheek, hugging him afterwards. "Thank you, really." She says. Caiden pulls her closer into him, hugging her back. "Thanks for coming. I'll see you at school and next weekend on our second date." He replies.

    That night, (Y/n) washed her face, got changed into PJ's and flopped onto her new bed, smiling to herself. That really was the best date ever and (Y/n? Couldn't have been happier about it.

      The light hits her eyes, causing (Y/n) to finally get up. The smell of pancakes fill the air, causing her to get up from her comfy bed and go see what was going on.
    A child caught her eye. The kid had beautiful curls, tan skin and (E/c) eyes. She was so cute, missing her two front teeth, and running around in her little princess dress. The girl ran up to her, throwing her arms around (Y/n).
      "Mommy! C'mon! Daddy's making breakfast for us!" She shouts, pulling (Y/n) down the stairs. The little girl feels familiar, almost. "Audrey! Slow down, honey. You're going to make mommy trip." Corrects a masculine voice.
    Now the features of Audrey's that looked nothing like (Y/n) all made sense. Seeing Stan in his sweats and an apron that says, 'Kiss The Cook' on it, making pancakes.

    "Stan?" (Y/n) asked.
  "Yes love?" He smiled, looking up at her.
   "Can we talk? Alone?"
   "Of course darling. Audrey, honey, can you go upstairs for a minute?" He asked
  "Yeah!" She nodded, running up the stairs.
"What's wrong love?" Stan asked removing one hand from the pancakes to cup (Y/n)'s face.
  "Is this real?" She asked.
  Stan kissed her and it was indescribable. "I wish. But you need to wake up." He said.
"Wake up (Y/n.) Wake up."

    (Y/n) sat up, it was still dark out though. (Y/n) then spotted Beverly at her window. "So how was it?"
"Amazing." She swooned.
"Good to hear, good to hear. Was he a gentleman?"
"Of course. He payed for everything, even dinner."
"Ooh! When's the next date? Anything spicy happen?"
"No! I kissed him on the cheek and we're going out again next weekend."

    (Y/n) and Bev talked for about an hour before Beverly had to go home, due to her fathers rules and how cautious she was with sneaking out because of them. They said their goodbyes.

    And this time, (Y/n) drifted into a deep, dreamless sleep, thinking about how wonderful her date with Caiden went, paying no thought to the dream she had beforehand. What an odd dream.


      A/n: I promise that it's still your choice between Richie and Stan. Caiden will add spice and more of a slow burn. As always, you're more than welcome to leave feedback.
Word could: 1580, like wow!

    How would you guys feel about me updating on Wednesdays too? Ik I'm maybe not the best author but I think it would really help to keep the book ongoing.
Enjoy your weekend lovelies!

He's A Go Getter // R.T and S.U x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now