chapter 5

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~Shinso pov~

After denki finished singing I was beyond shocked I didnt expect this type of song from him all that was going through my mind was 'did he make this song if he did how?'I got out of my shocked state when it was near to my turn right after bakugou and kirishima ,who for some reason wanted to pair up, nobody knows why I couldn't care less though it was finally my turn normally I wouldn't want to do this but oh well here goes nothing

(A/n Ignore where it's at or in this is one off the only one I found and it fits him)

Dad stopped playing the music as I got to the end of my song I opened my eyes to meet everyone's shocked eyes I expected that to happen but denki was not as shocked as everyone else wich was surprising considering how everyone else looked

I retreated back to my seat denki got out of his shocked state by his sister saying somthing in sign language he put his hand up"yes denki?" Mr aizawa asked

"Can I go with paige to the bathroom? Lucas can stay here."he turned to look at mr aizawa

"Fine just be quick."denki picked paige up and ran out the room lucas got up and went to bakugo

"What's wrong lucas." He asked we all turned to him seeing Lucas giving bakugo somthing it looked like a phone

bakugo mumbled somthing to himself"dont worry you'll be fine for now."he showed It to the rest of his squad picked Lucas up going to mr aizawa showed him mr aizawa nodded the bakugo and his squad went out of the room doing what they had to

•Denki pov•
When I ran out the room and into the bathroom paige had began to puke this was normal since when I'm not home they dont get fed when I am they do get fed but this was different today she was puking blood this only happened once a month so we didnt think much of it but this was the second time and it didnt stop I called an ambulance and texted lucas who should have his phone with him we rushed outside the school everyone meeting us that were in the bakusquad lucas with them with a worried expression on his face

•end of chapter•
Sorry for taking more then a month to post this it's not that long but I couldn't think of what to do this isn't the best chapter I've made but it should do for now

•bye bye•

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