Will Good Follow Part 2

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As soon as Billy left the Justice League immediately sprung into action and tries to track down the boy.

Lucky for them they had Batman with them and it only took a matter of seconds(40 to be precise) to track down the magic user. It turns out that Billy went to an abandoned building next to what used to be a train station. When the team got there they saw that Billy was sitting there alone with a sad look on his face, which was understandable with what was happening, and they immediately felt 10 times worse. It's one thing seeing a child sad, it's another when you are the cause of the child being sad, especially if that child is one Billy Batson A.K.A Captain Marvel.

Wonder Woman was right about to talk to the young Batson when she noticed a non-natural light illuminating the room. Just as she pulled out her sword Batman grabbed her arm and shook his head. Before the Amazonian could question his actions she saw another boy in the room who certainly didn't come from the same door they did.

Without a second thought, Batman pulled Wonder Woman behind a half torn down wall, the team followed the Dark Knight's lead and went behind the wall with them.

Diana narrowed her eyes at the black wearing bat-like hero, wanting to know the reason for him practically dragging her behind this dirty, currently decomposing, water damaged excuse of a wall. The man only nodded his head towards the boys they were hiding from. Diana rolled her eyes and looked to where the bat was gesturing. As soon as she did, she immediately went to grab her sword, but only widened her eyes in surprise when she found it wasn't there. She turned around to see Superman holding both her sword and lasso in his hands. The damn bat must've taken it when she wasn't looking and gave it to the Kryptonian.

"What are you doing." The warrior princess whispered. "Klarion is right there behind Captain Marvel, are you trying to get him hurt."

"He isn't going to hurt him."

Diana looked at the man with disbelief. "Did you seriously just say that that witch isn't going to harm him? Are you out of your mind?!"

"Just trust me."

"Fine, but if Marvel gets hurt I will never forgive you." The team shivered at the tone of the princess's voice, but agreed with the statement. If Billy got hurt both Batman and Klarion would pay without so much as a second thought or doubt. And that's a promise. 


Billy was currently wallowing in his own self-misery(meeeeeeeeeee) when he suddenly heard the familiar whooshing sound of a portal being opened.

Without looking he called out, "Klarion, what are you doing here."

"How did you know it was me." The witch boy demanded, sitting next to the blue-eyed boy.

"You're the only one that knows about this place, that and I'm able to feel your aura." Klarion sucked his teeth in, causing the Batson boy to giggle.

"I'll surprise you one day."

"Don't get your hopes up."

"Do I have to remind you that I am chaos personified."

Billy's smile quickly turned into a frown, "Yeah, I know."

"What are you whining on about? Is this because I split the world into two dimensions yesterday. Because that is old news by now." Klarion said basically purring like the smug bastard he was.

"Actually, it is about what you did yesterday." Billy said with his head hanging low. "My team found out I was actually a kid and wanted to kick me off the League."

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