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Lacey lay in bed in the hotel room with Sami. She looked to him and smiled

"I hate how good thins feels when it shouldn't" Lacey said as Sami looked to her and smiled

"I know, but you don't need to worry. I know your scared everyone will find out but right now they won't" Sami said as Lacey looked to him and smiled. She knew he was trying to protect her but she also knew that they couldn't keep it secret for forever and that it will only be so I of before the truth came out. Sami sighed as his phone rang

"it's Leigh" he said

"answer it and tell her we're still at court. She will get suspicious if you don't answer" Lacey said as Sami stood from the bed. Lacey watched as he walked out of the room and into the bathroom.

Lacey knew what she was doing to her sister but she also knew how she had fallen in love with sami. After a few minutes sami walked out of the bathroom and smiled

"is everything okay" Lacey asked as Sami looked to her and nodded. He climbed into the bed in top of her as he pulled her close and kissed her.

Lacey smirked into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned into the kiss as he pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her.

Lacey got home and walked into the flat. She smiled as she saw Leigh

"you look tired" Leigh said as Lacey smiled

"long day"

"I should of been there I promised" Leigh said as Lacey looked to her and sighed

"forget it Leigh. You forgot because you were with warren, I'm not mad" Lacey said

"but I am. I'm mad at myself for letting you down after all Ryan did to you I should be there. I don't know what is going on with warren but it's a mess but he is Mia father" Leigh said as Lacey nodded

"it doesn't mean you should cheat on sami he's been there for you a hell of a lot" Lacey said as Leigh nodded

"I know, your right. Sami is a great guy but there's something missing" Leigh said as Lacey looked to her and smiled

"if you feel that way then, maybe you should be honest with sami and tell him instead of stringing him along" Lacey said as Leigh looked to her and nodded knowing she was right.

Lacey did feel bad but she also knew she didn't want to be in this complicated situation anymore

Lacey sighed as she sat in the bathroom. She was feeling off. She sighed as she looked to the pregnancy test in her hand and sighed.

She and Sami had never been careful but she didn't think that this would happen and Lacey knew if she was pregnant that people would want answers and she didn't have answers to give them.

Lacey sighed to herself as she ran a hand through her hair as she looked down at the pregnancy test and paled as she saw it was positive. She had no idea what she was going to do but she knew that it was going to change everything

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