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Lacey sat in the flat and looked to see Leigh and smiled

"you look tired are you okay" Leigh asked as Lacey smiled

"I'm okay. I am pregnant and I am drained and I feel so tired but I am okay" Lacey said as Leigh looked to her and smiled

"I know that you are going through a lot but I also know that you are going to be a great mum and I know it's not going to be easy but I am here for you and it is going to be okay. Besides you have mum too" Leigh said as Lacey looked to her and smiled

Lacey knew how bad that she felt. She knew that she and Sami had done behind Leigh back and she knew how she never meant to do it and she knew she never meant to fall in love with her sisters boyfriend but she knew it was hard as she knew that she was having Sami baby and how it would only be so long before the truth came out

"you look how I feel, are you okay" Lacey asked as Leigh looked to her and smiled

"I'm fine? I'm pregnant too but I'm not keeping it, it's warrens sami and hadn't had sex in a long time and it's the best thing to do" Leigh said as Lacey looked to her sister and smiled as she hugged her

"it's going to be okay I promise" 
Lacey got to Sami's and smiled as he answered the door

"hey are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and sighed

"no, not really, it's all a mess sami and I hate it. I hate how I am lying and I hate how I am having your baby and I can't even tell my sister because of what we did. We had an affair and she is the last person I wanted to hurt. She was there for me with Ryan and all he had done to me and how do I really her? I jump into bed with you and I hate it. I hate myself for what I have done" Lacey said as Sami walked over to her and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"I know, I know it is hard but we will work it out and we will tell her soon. I am not ashamed of us but I am ashamed of hurting Leigh but we fell in love and I helped you stay out of jail for something that wasn't yourself and I am not ashamed of us or of our relationship as I love you" he said as Lacey looked to him and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

"I love you too" she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck as he held her close knowing that they needed each other now more than ever

Lacey got back to the flat and saw Leigh with warren. She looked to them and sighed.

She knew that Leigh had cheated behind sami back and she hated that she was keeping it from sami and she hated how she was keeping her and Sami from Leigh when she knew that they move needed to know the truth but how long could lacey keep all these secrets knowing she was having a baby with sami Maalik after all and knowing how everything was going to change

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