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Amelie  POV

Today is my first day of middle school and I'm going with my best friend/crush his name is Blake grey I liked him since 3rd grade but I know he doesn't like me back because why would he.

Blake's POV

Today is the first day of middle school and I'm going with Amelie and I really like her .We been best friends for a long time and we live next to each other our windows bare also right next to each other. I really want to tell her how I feel but I'm to scared to tell her and ruin our friendship. I walked to her house and knocked she came out but her parents wanted to take a picture of us first so we did and her mom AJ said she would send it to my parent and with that we walked to school together and walked to we're our friends were me and AJ also had all the same classes like we always do.

Senior Year

Amelie's POV

Me and Blake stoped talking burning the begging of high school he kept ignoring me I was really upset but then he started to bully me so I hated how I looked so I decided to do a glow up during the summer and forget about him I still had our picture hanging but I needed to forget about him to be honest I hate him at this point but I have really good friends who were always there for me so they told me to try out for the cheer team during the summer so I did and I made it I was really happy but I still had feeling toward Blake but my friends also told me I have to move on.

Blake's POV

To be honest I haven't been the best I miss Amelia i stopped talking to her in the being of high school because of my feelings toward her seeing her every day made me miss all we had so I started to bully her I hated doing it but I had to it was the only reason for me to be near her or talk to her. But I haven't seen her all summer it's like she disappeared. She was always pretty and a lot of people liked her but once I bullied her I could tell she didn't even feel comfortable enough to even show a little bit of skin so she never had closed that showed one bit of her body but she was still pretty and I'm not the only one who thinks it. But this year I wanted to be on the football team so I tried out and Surprisingly I made it.The most popular kids are the cheerleaders and the football players but the worst part of trying to bully her is that brother is the most popular kid in the school because he's captain of the football team and because he is super nice to everyone.

Amelie's POV

Today is the first day of school I'm going to walk in with my brother since we are both  captains he's captain of the football team and I'm captain of the cheerleading team so I went to take a shower and did my makeup and hair and got my outfit on.⬇️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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