Chapter 16

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1992 was a new year for me. I had given myself all sorts of tasks to take my mind of Freddie and like before I never took the yellow jacket off. There would be times when I found the twins wrapping themselves in his old dressing gown, I would always join them and the three of us would spend the afternoon hugging.

Me and the boys had decided to do a tribute to Freddie with me on vocals. We had brought in David to sing a couple of songs along with Freddie's good friend Elton John. It was halfway through the tour when we were performing in our home town. Halfway through the show we performed Supermarket Flowers for Freddie.


I took the supermarket flowers from the windowsill
I threw the day old tea from the cup
Packed up the photo album Matthew had made
Memories of a life that's been loved
Took the get well soon cards and stuffed animals
Poured the old ginger beer down the sink
Dad always told me, "Don't you cry when you're down"
But mum, there's a tear every time that I blink
Oh I'm in pieces, it's tearing me up, but I know
A heart that's broke is a heart that's been loved

Me, Roger and Brian:

So I'll sing Hallelujah
You were an angel in the shape of my mum
When I fell down you'd be there holding me up
Spread your wings as you go
And when God takes you back we'll say Hallelujah
You're home


Fluffed the pillows, made the beds, stacked the chairs up
Folded your nightgowns neatly in a case
John says he'd drive then put his hand on my cheek
And wiped a tear from the side of my face
I hope that I see the world as you did 'cause I know
A life with love is a life that's been lived

Me, Roger and Brian:

So I'll sing Hallelujah
You were an angel in the shape of my mum
When I fell down you'd be there holding me up
Spread your wings as you go
And when God takes you back we'll say Hallelujah
You're home
You were an angel in the shape of my mum
You got to see the person I have become
Spread your wings and I know
That when God took you back he said Hallelujah
You're home

I looked towards the audience as I heard the sound of a crash.

"HOPE" Brian shouted into the mic

I looked up to see the lighting system come plummeting towards the ground. I tired to run somewhere for safety and by the time Brian had tried to get me out it came plummeting down and everything went black.

Brian's POV:

Loads of emotions flooded my brain, I couldn't loose another family member. I had a lot to process which caused me to stand there motionless.

"Brian. Are you helping?" Roger asked

"Oh yeah. Sorry" I muttered my reply while walking over to get Hope out

Once we had her free i cradled her in my arms.

"Hope darling, I'm here. Bris here" I said holding her tight

Once some doctors came they loaded her into the ambulance. I wasn't aloud to go with her, no matter how hard I tried.

"That's my sister" I cried (Friends reference, I know)

I tried to run after the ambulance but it was no use, Roger and John just held me back.

"Brian" came David's voice

I looked to see he and Elton walked out of the venue towards us. I attempted to smile at them as Roger and John walked off to my car.

"She will be okay. She's a fighter" David said

"Now go to the hospital to be with her" Elton added

I nodded at them before getting into the waiting car. Once we arrived at the hospital we sat waiting for about two and a half hours before the doctor returned.

"She just had an operation but she's now in a coma" he said

Tears began welling up in my eyes with both of the boys noticed.

"Can we visit her?" Roger asked as the two hugged me

The doctor nodded before walking off. They dragged me down, as I didn't want to see her in that state. I looked through the door to see tubes up her nose, tubes going into her arms and hands. I almost cried at the sight of her but I forced myself not to.

"Come on" Deaky reassured pulling me in

I sat down next to the bed and broke down into tears.

"Hope please stay with us. Please. I love you Hope and I don't want to loose you" I sobbed

I felt Rogers arm come around my back while he moved some of the curls from my face
I couldn't look at Hope, she was like a different girl. She's my sister! So many different things circled round my brain, the one I thought most important was how I was going to tell the kids.

The next day Roger and John told me to go home and rest. On my way home I stopped off at Freddie's parents house to get the kids.

"How is she?" Jer asked as she opened the door

"Still in a coma" I replied stepped in "I came to tell the kids"

"Will they know what a coma is?" Jer said

"I hope so. I'm not going into detail about that" I said as we walked down to the living room

Before I had chance to do anything Bomi pulled me into a manly hug.

"It's okay Bri, we're here" Bomi said

"I'm okay. You don't have to worry" I said

Kash then stepped out of the kitchen, she wore a beautiful yellow dress.

"Hey Brian" she muttered (Their relationship is a bit like Ginny and Harry in the first film when they first meet)

"Hey" I replied just as the twins came running over

I picked Dafne up first and walked over to the sofa.

"I need to tell you two something" I said as they both sat on my lap

They both seemed excited and giddy, what for I don't know.

"Your mums in a coma" I said

Their confused glances told me that I need to explain more.

"A coma is something that affects your brain when it can't decide if it wants you to die or stay alive. It's basically going to sleep but you don't know when you will wake up and nothing can wake you" I carried on

They both jumped off of my lap and turned to their grandparents.

"Is this true. Please don't say it's true" the two begged

"I'm afraid little munchkins that it is" Jer said bending down to their height

Bomi then came and wrapped an arm around me.

"You were brave telling the kids" Bomi said

"I think they should head it from their mums brother" I said looking into his brown eyes

Bomi kissed my head before going over to the sobbing children.

"I think you handled that very well" Kash said coming to sit next to me

I smiled at her as I couldn't do anything else. She took my hand in hers and gently rubbed the back of it with her thumb. As I looked into her eyes her lips met mine. As first I got lost in the moment but then I remembered Hope.

"Hey Bri. What's the matter?" Kash asked, beginning to pull me back for more

"I just don't want to loose Hope" I replied before kissing Kash again

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