CH53 - With Small Steps Forward

Start from the beginning

The Fire-Demon jumped over and approached the teen girl as quietly as he can, not wanting to wake her up by any chance. However, as soon as there was one step between him and Miyuki, her eye shot open and grabbed the person in front of her. She didn't take a good look at her 'attacker' so, with no guilt, the female Spirit Detective slammed him forcefully to the tree trunk with his arms behind his back like a police officer would to criminals, but instead of guns, a sharp throwing knife was brought close to Hiei's neck.

"Hn, you're getting a bit better." Hiei can't help but comment, making Miyuki's face fell as soon as realization dawned on her. But then the expression quickly turned back to a scowl.

"Really?" She asked with a deep and bitter sarcasm dripping from her mouth, Miyuki looked dead in the eye. "You disappear for weeks, not talking to me or show your face in front of me and that's the first thing you can say to me?!" The girl let go of the demon boy and just plopped back down onto her original place and try her very best to ignore the very presence of Hiei's, clearly not wanting to see him still.

Hiei wanted to huff, but he held back his tongue and just looked at the girl blankly. Then he sighed and jumped up to the branch above Miyuki who followed his moves without Hiei's notice.

"Tsk, moron." The Urameshi girl grumbled under her breath before turning her head to the side. Taking one last glance from her brother and friends, she finally closed her eyes as her arms hugged herself.

Hiei looked at the starry sky, then watched his teammates eventually go to sleep.

"Hn." He hummed out loud as he took a secret side glance that went to the female Spirit Detective's who was by now asleep. That's reminded him about the necklace he had been keeping inside his pocket. His hand reached for it and pulled it out.

Suddenly, he found himself being under a spell by the beauty of the jewelry once again. It happened almost every time he would pull it out occasionally whenever he thinks of when is the right time to give the phoenix ring back to Miyuki. However, what happened after those moments, the Fire Demon would find himself doing nothing and just stare at the ring like he had been hypnotized by that simple jewellery that his partner cherish and treasure in all of her life.

He didn't know what made him do it. . . But what he does know is that it gave him some sense of calmness. . .

However, he forced himself to snap himself out of it and approach Miyuki once again. To his luck, he was not tackled down again. So this gave him an opportunity to slip the necklace onto her neck, just like back at the time, when the two were in the hospital wing of Spirit World.

As his hands with the hanging necklace in the middle almost reached the girl's neck, his body however suddenly stopped functioning. . . for some reason, he didn't find the time right. . . . . The Fire Demon turned back to the girl's face, then pulled the piece of jewellery back.

'Maybe later. . .' He reminded himself once again as he cautiously and carefully sat beside Miyuki and stared at her peaceful features once again. 'Now it's not the right time. . .'

His mind then drifted to the conversation he had with Miyuki's master then he thought about the words that came out of the said girl's mouth.

"Because of my spark . . ." The girl simply told Hiei with pure honesty as her heart is giving the speech. Even though it was just a small memory, the answer still stunned the demon greatly. "You were the one that lit it up Hiei." He remembered how that girl grabbed onto his marked wrist so gently and carefully, giving him the feeling that warm and fuzzy feeling inside his chest. "Sure, Shuichi was there whenever I needed a little emotional support or advice. He is a really good person. . . but you were the one that lit up the spark that was dying within me. " At that, Hiei can't help but look into the palm of his hand. "Sanyu wouldn't give up on me. . . a thought that finally woke me up, and made me keep on going, with now new goals. . ." The Fire Demon thought about the Urameshi girl's eyes and facial expression that reflected pure honesty, meaning he knew she was telling the truth. "And if you really hoping for me to give up on you. . . heh. . . well I have to disappoint you. . . I won't . . ." Again, just silence. . . "I care about you Hiei. . ." Nothing was said there because he, himself didn't know how to respond to these kinds of things. . .

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now