Prologue: Never reply to an email from a "fake" entity.

Start from the beginning

Mode [?]

+ / + / + / + / + / + / + {Abigail's CYOA Screen} + / + / + / + / + / + / +

"Ten different modes, the more you advance the more points you get, but the number of missions grow. Abigail takes from the famous iconic words: From great power comes great responsibility." I muttered the rule in the mode selector, before looking at the ten different modes to choose from.

+ / + / + / + / + / + / + {Abigail's CYOA Screen} + / + / + / + / + / + / +

Skitter [Start with 0 Points]

Mundane [Start with 2 Points]

Low [Start with 4 Points]

Medium [Start with 8 Points]

High [Start with 16 Points]

Super-Hero [Start with 32 Points]

World Champion [Start with 64 Points]

Endslayer [Start with 128 Points]

Regalia [Start with 256 Points]

+ / + / + / + / + / + / + {Abigail's CYOA Screen} + / + / + / + / + / + / +

"Maybe someone can say that I'm trying to compensate for something, but every time I play something like that, I have the urge to get as many points as possible." With these last words, I choose the one that gives the most amount of points Regalia mode.

+ / + / + / + / + / + / + {Abigail's CYOA Screen} + / + / + / + / + / + / +

[Regalia] mode Selected

[By choosing this option you will be one of the most powerful creatures in the world, all your powers start twice as strong. Costs of higher powers are halved and higher receive one point discount, get a free WORLD BREAKER power.

Your powers are probably among the greatest on Earth and you will most likely be important figures on the planet.

You will be so powerful that you can no longer be a simple earthling, you will be a neo-entity similar to Eden, Zion and me ... mistake I write you, I wanted to write Abadon ... I hate that cursed nickname ...

However as a beneficial multidimensional Neo-Entity originating from Earth, your main task will be to protect the Earth from external and internal threats.

Regularly, every 10 to 100 years, you will change dimensional planes for regular ten-year or secular journeys on alternate version of the Earth.

No matter what Earth you are on, you will have to protect it at any cost.

I ... Oblivon prepared a unique body for my new partner.

your core, is the [HEART/MIND/SOUL] of your new body was created using Fate Extra's famous Moon Cell.

This means, Nigh unlimited unconscious calculation skills, unparalleled observation skills, infinite free internet, an infinite library composed of knowledge of infinite parallel timelines

You can surf the internet and do whatever you want as if you were a part of said internet

When you rest, sleep or want a break, you can enter a virtual world more real than reality itself, populated by digital and sentient humans, your "inner world" contains a population of humanistic AI who do not know that they are AI and live everyday life, only with a digital interface and the obligation to [HELP/OBEY] you, the administrator of this world and can edit and reshape it as you desire, if you tell them that they are AI they wont belive you and think you are making a joke this feature can be disabled but waht they do next will be unpredictable

Worm SI: Eden, Zion, Abadon and RegaliaWhere stories live. Discover now