Chapter 2

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The ceremony didn’t last for much longer. As soon as the last name was read and the last dependent choose their faction, the Dauntless were on their feet. Before I left the room, I made sure to look back and find my father. He stood among the other leaders, but was paying no attention to them. His eyes bore into mine and he wore a look of disgust on his face. That face would usually terrify me, but now, it told me that I did something right. I did something for me, not for him.

As I looked away from my father, I noticed that the Dauntless were all headed for the stairs. I looked at Jake confused, but he just smiled at me. I always thought the Abnegation were the only faction to take the stairs. I guess I was wrong.

As soon as the first Dauntless hit the first step they broke into a run. We filed down the stairs and out of the Hub. I gasped for air as I struggled to keep up with the rest of them. Jake and Aidan stayed at my pace, although due to their lean builds I’m sure they could run much faster. We ran towards the train tracks and once we got to the edge of the metal lines I stoped and caught my breath. The other Dauntless however were bouncing on the balls of their feet, unfazed by the run and ready to go. 

“Here it comes!” Someone shouted as a horn sounded in the distance. The train came around the corner and began to slow slightly, I assume so we can jump on. The Dauntless after all were the only faction to use the trains on a daily basis.

“Are we supposed to hop on that thing?” An Amity boy asks. 

“Yup,” I sigh. I still haven’t caught my breath when I see the Dauntless begin to run again. I don’t want to move. My leg and lung are screaming and brurning with pain. I just want to sit and rest.

“Let’s go, Alexandra!” Aidan pulls me with him as he began to run. To keep up with him, I’m forced to run as well. The train starts to glide alongside us as we continue to run. After a few cars pass, Jake jumps and grabs a handle on the outside of the car, slipping into the car with ease.

“Your turn,” Aidan smirked, his breath even and controlled. I give him a hesitant look before jumping and latching on to the side of the train. I almost lose my grip when Jake pulls me in. As soon as I’m in, my legs give from under me and I sit along the metal wall. Jake plops down next to my as Aidan pulls himself in the car. 

“You guys are insane,” I huffed as my lungs struggled to obtain oxygen. Both boys smirked at me, trying to hide their amusement.

“You’re one of us now, so that makes you insane too,” Jake nudged me and I chuckled. 

The rest of the train ride was quiet. I had never realized how peaceful a train ride actually was. I looked around at the rest of the people in the car. A majority were Dauntless, but the transfers stuck out like a sore thumb among the sea of black. There were four Erudite, three Candor, two Amity and myself. One of the Candor boys stood out to me though. I recognized him, unlike the other transfers who I had never seen before. I cringed as soon as I realized who he was. 

At lunch one day at school he began haggling me about the theories that the Abnegation were stealing food. He accused us of being corrupt and being the most selfish faction of all. He had shoved me and I fell. But thankfully, before he could do anything else, Jake stepped in. I would have defended myself, but if I did, that wouldn’t have been Abnegation of me. If I had protecting myself, my father probably would have beat me and called me selfish. 

Jake had stepped in and pushed him aside, telling him to back off. The Candor boy brushed Jake off and walked away. Jake helped me up and made sure I was okay. That was the first day I had ever met Jake. After that we became good friends and he introduced me to his Dauntless friends.

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