Chapter 1

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"Drink this," A slender, yet well built, Dauntless man said as he passed me a small glass of clear liquid. I hesitantly took the unknown substance from the tattooed man. I brought it to my nose, hoping for just a glimpse at what the serum would do, but was disappointed to learn that it had no sent.

"What is it?" I asked, my curious blue eyes met the other man's bored green ones.

"Drink. It." He growled getting impatient. I knew that no matter what this test told me I was leaving. I was finally going to escape him, just as my brother had. I gave the Dauntless man one last nervous glance before leaning my head back and downing the liquid.


"Choose, Alexandra." The room shifted and I was presented with the choice of a sharp simple knife or large chunk of cheese.



"Not until I know what I'll do with them."

"Fine, have it your way."


I gasped as my eyes shot open. My forehead and palms were lined with sweat, the feeling of the dogs fur still in between my fingers. My eyes immediately found the Dauntless man's. They were no longer bored and dull, but bright and alarmed. "You need to go. Now."

"What? Why?" I questioned as he pulled me out of the metal chair and dragged me to the door. Before he could manage to open it, I pulled my arm from his grasp. "What's wrong? What were my results?"

He stopped his panic and turned to face me. "Abnegation," my chest sunk with disappointment, "And Dauntless. And Erudite." I didn't need to speak, my questions were written all over my face. "Your results were inconclusive."

"But that's not...-"

"But it is. It's just really rare. They call it Divergent. Being Divergent makes you dangerous to them. You can't tell anyone, not even your family," Yeah, like I would dare tell my father I got anything else besides Abnegation. "I put you in manually as Abnegation. Go right home. Say that the serum made you sick."

Before I could ask anything else, he shoved me out the door. I stood their for a few seconds. Divergent? Well, at least it was better than Abnegation. Anything was better than Abnegation.

As I made my way home, I found that a smile was firmly planted across my face. Not only did I get something other then Abnegation, I got Dauntless. And Erudite too of course, but Dauntless was where I wanted to be ever since I saw my brother's blood drip into the burning coal last year.

A lump rose in my throat as I approached my house. What if he was home? What if he asked about my results? I couldn't lie to him. Well, I could but the likelihood of me getting away with it was very slim.

Stepping up to the plain grey house, I gained my composure. I opened and stepped through the door confidently. But that confidence was just a mask that faltered as I laid eyes on Marcus. He sat at the dinning room table, reading the daily paper. He had a frustrated look on his face, due probably from the most recent publication of Erudite gossip. He folded the paper and placed it on the table, looking up at me.

"How'd it go?" His voice was calm and smooth. It was the voice that the people of Abnegation knew their leader to have.


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