Chapter 3

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The train stopped and the lights went out. So I pulled out my staff just in case (yeah you heard me I said staff not wand, a wand was a cording to olivander too tiny to hold my power so I got a staff instead) the only problem with this is when I pull out my staff a dress magically appears on me along with a pare of earrings and a choker, but my shoes, hair, and eyes stayed the same so hey.

This made the others (minus Remus cause he's sleeping) stare at me in shock so I said "Quit your staring and go back to what you were doing" so Ron went back to trying to look out the window and in the process he stepped on Hermiones foot and the lights flickered on then back off. Through all this the one thought going through my mind was how is Uncle Remus still sleeping?!

I made Harry change places with me because he was on the same seat as me and he was next to the door and him being him it wasn't very safe.

As soon as I sat down a bony hand opened the compartment door, and I was in shock at what it was.

It was a dementor. It looked back and forth between me and Harry, but it decided on him and started sucking his soul out of him so I stamped my staff on the floor at the same time Uncle Remus woke up and rose his wand and together we shouted "Expecto Patronum!" And a wolf shot out of uncle lupins wand a wolf pup shot out of mine. And this made the dementor run out or I guess float or fly or, yah know what who cares it left!

And Harry passed out and fell onto the floor and to wake him up Hermione slapped him across the face. But hey it woke him up. When he woke up Uncle Remus gave him some chocolate and went to check on other students.

As soon as he left the trio started firing questions at me until finally I snapped and I yelled "ENOUGH! I get it you have questions! Yeah well so do I, I have had millions of questions running through my mind for the past twelve years of my life! So calm down!!!" As I finished I had tears streaming down my face and I was whispering to myself saying "why? Why did he leave me, why couldn't he have just stayed and protected me? Why did he go?"

Hermione looked shocked that I was crying, Harry looked sorry and Ron just looked confused. "You are each aloud to ask one questions ok." I said to them, they each nodded and Hermione asked "why is your hair blue?" I told her "well I honestly don't know I was born with my hair like this" I smiled at her then turned to Ron who asked "Why do you have a staff and not a wand?" I told him "Well according to Olivander a wand was too small to handle my power, but I think he just wanted to get rid of the thing after all I seemed to be the only person who wanted it" and then I turned to Harry who had a small smile on his face and he asked "What are you powers?" So I smiled and said "That's the million dollar question and the answer to it is I can freeze time, make thing explode by looking at it and I can control the elements." When I finished I was had a small smile on my face and Rons Harry's and Hermiones smiles widened and they all said "Wicked!" In perfect sink.

When that happened we all burst out laughing  and by the time we stopped we had finally arrived at Hogwarts.

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