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The summer before fifth year, the last somewhat enjoyable summer before all hell breaks loose

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The summer before fifth year, the last somewhat enjoyable summer before all hell breaks loose. Grimmauld Place was bustling with activity, all the teenagers and their respective families were spending the last of their summer there. Or at least that's what the adults told the kids because they were being very hush hush about the Order's meetings and what it consisted of. The sun was shining, a rare sight for Britain, and the teenagers were enjoying being within the company of one another. They hadn't seen each since they left Hogwarts for the summer and had missing each other's presence. Especially Aishwarya and Harry; Hogwarts' resident sweethearts.

Both teenagers were left alone in Harry's room, whoever thought that was a good idea definitely didn't take Parenting 101 also known a none other than Sirius Orion Black. Harry, being the descendant of the cocky, good looking, could pull any girl he wanted too, James Potter was channeling his father's energy and was being rather annoying by teasing Aishwarya and just getting on her nerves overall. What had started off as a simple sitting on his bed conversation was no more as Aishwarya felt her back pressed up against said boyfriend's closed bedroom door. How he managed to pull that off she didn't know but damn does quidditch make these boys strong. She's had her fair share of arguements with the older Weasley brothers that ended in her being thrown over Fred's shoulders and taken up to her bedroom like a stroppy child disagreeing with her parents. Aishwarya was so lost in her train of thought that she hadn't realised the compromising position she was in, trapped between her boyfriend and the door, till the feeling of his soft lips brought her out of her trance. She was so in love with her boyfriend and his lips her hands started snaking towards the back of his head almost on instinct but, Aishwarya was cut off from moving any further as Harry leaned closer to her making her breath quicken. She was ready and expecting a kiss but instead, was disappointed when Harry leant over her, opened the bedroom door and headed downstairs after informing her that "Molly called us downstairs for dinner".

Aishwarya was pissed to say the least, and with her dampened mood headed downstairs. She sat in her allocated seat at the dining table next to Harry but, everyone who even as so glanced her way could tell the girl was annoyed. Her ebony black hair was constantly irritating her more than usual as she tired to get it out of her face and her chocolate brown skin was now sporting a slight red hue on her cheeks due to her said annoyedness. Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley, the girl's two best friends, began to enquire the boyfriend sat across from asking him "What did you do to Aishwarya?"

To this the raven black haired boy simply replied, "I don't know, but I should do it more often because she looks hot when she's annoyed," reffering to the girl sat beside him.

"HAROLD JAMES POTTER, YOU BETTER RUN AND I MEAN IT!" bellowed  Aishwarya, glaring daggers at the boy and hitting him across his head.

Upon hearing this, none other than resident troublemaker Fred Weasley, called out "Oi, mate! She called you by your government name, you better run!"

To make matters worse for Harry, Sirius decided to input his opinion, "Boy, I wouldn't mess with an angry woman so, I agree with Weasley over her," nodding in the direction of the mentioned twin. He then continues, "I like her, she's the only one who treats him like an actual teeanager, instead of the Chosen One," referring to Aishwarya.

Harry decides to speak up again and in response to Sirius goes, "Yeah, that's why I like her".

Still glaring daggers at the poor boy, the girl in questions "Is that the only reason?" but, no one misses the dangerous tone in her voice and how her perfect eyebrow perks up at the boy with his mother's eyes.

Harry could sense he was now entering dangerous territory so, gulping nervously he replies "Umm no?" but, the statement comes out more like a question causing the boy to start panicking and slowly rise from his seat at the dinner table and back away towards the door.

Ginny and Hermione, who have both been watching the scene before them thoroughly amused ask "Do you want some back up there Aishwarya?" referring to the scared boy running out the door for his life.

To which Aishwarya replied, "Gladly".

The three girls ascended from their seats at the table, excusing themselves, before bursting out running chasing the poor boy upstairs and eventually, cornering him in front of his room. Waving the girls off, the ebony haired girl goes "Leave us be, I can handle  him".

Both girls are now smirking at Harry and go, "Good luck making it out alive," whilst Aishwarya was dragging the boy by his t-shirt into his room, closing the door behind them.

Looking around the room,Aishwarya finally picks up Harry's brand new copy of 'Defence against the Dark Arts for dummies' and started hitting him across the head whilst sighing, "Really Harry? First, you tease me and leave me hanging and then you imply that the only reason I'm your girlfriend is because I treat you like a normal teenager? Do you really think a girl wants to hear that?"

To which he's like, "Ok, ok! Just stop hitting me, you're hurting me!" Upon hearing this, the brown skinned girl moves the book in her hand away from his head and looks up at the boy in front of her with softness in her decadent brown eyes whilst Harry is sporting puppy eyes with his emerald green orbs.

Taking the book away from her hands, Harry goes "I like you for a lot of reasons, Ok? It's just too long to list and express in words," and he starts advancing towards Aishwarya, yet again trapping her between the door and himself but this time he actually carries out his actions and crashes his lips onto the ones on girl in front of him.

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