"Who's that?" She asks.

"Kat. She recorded it a few weeks ago I think. I didn't know it was on here." I smile looking at her beautiful face.

"Can I watch?" She asks.

"Yeah." I respond and rewind it back to the beginning.

"Hey Harry,

"You probably won't get this until you finally decide to go through your pictures." She laughs through the phone. My mum smiles at me. "Anyways, nothing serious I just wanted to make a video of myself on your phone. You know me... I'm weird."

"Mum, I literally thought this next part, before she even said it. But even if you are weird, you're my weird."

"But I bet I know what you're thinking... but even if you are weird, you're my weird. Am I right?"

Me and mum giggle out loud at her cuteness.

"How's my superstar? Don't be showing this to anyone it's for your eyes only. Only kidding." She smiles brightly into the camera. "I best be off you probably go mad if I use up all your memory on your phone." She releases a cute giggle.

"It's the next part that gets me. She said it and I never got to say it to her, mum."

"Speak to you soon. I love you. Bye. Oh we haven't said that to each other yet." She laughs placing her hand over her mouth. "We'll, I guess I was first to say it. And I meant it Styles. I love you, you're my world. If anything was to happen to me, you make sure you stay strong, you move on and be hapoy. That's my wish for you. I love you Mr. Harry Edward Styles." She blows a kiss into the camera and I catch it again and place it on my chrst where my heart is.

"And I will always love you Katherine Grace McNamara."

"Why don't you go and see her, son. Doctors ain't sure if she can hear or not but she could." I nodded. This could be the last time so if I don't go and say it now I'll regret it for the rest of my life.

Katherine P.o.V:-

I've tried moving and speaking for the past half hour and I've given up.

"Emeraude Niall, can I have the room for a bit?" I hear a males voice. Harry. He's okay.

"Hey baby. It's just us. I'm not sure if you can hear me." I hear him sniffing. "I watched the video on my phone by the way." He adds.

Oh my God. He's watched the video. He knows I love him. What if he doesn't feel the same way and that would be embarrassing. I hear him start to talk so I stay quiet.

"I wanted to come and see you, my beautiful baby." He stops talking and I hear him blow his nose. "This is stupid. You shouldn't be in this situation. If it wasn't for me. You probably can't even hear me, can you?" He says quietly.

"I can, Harry. I can hear you." I try wiggling my finger.

"My mum listened to the video, hope you was joking about it being just for my eyes only. And we'll you said these three words and I rewinded it back a good twenty times." He laughs.

"Harry... are you going to say it back or not. Your taking your sweet ass time. If not, please leave."

He is quiet for a long time as he comes and sits down by the chair moving as he sit and grabs onto my hand, I feel his tears hit my hand. "And we'll, if you can hear me or not. I hope you can. I love you Katherine Grace McNamara." I feel his lips on my cheek.

He said it. He said it back. He actually said he loves me.

"I need you to wake up, babe. I can't live without you. You are my life. Without you, I have nothing to live for."

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