
Kevin and his men sat in a hotel just outside Alpha Gordon's territory. He was pacing, anxious, waiting for nightfall. Lisa was the last part of the plan and he had not heard from her. He decided to send her a text.

What's happening?

I'm sorry Alpha. Everything has been in chaos since Kyra woke up. Her dad is trying to get her to let Jason mark her! He says it's the only way to save her wolf. Kyra keeps refusing and has been asking for you. I overheard her conversation with her parents. She wants to go back to Boston.

There is no way he is marking her! Do you have your things in the car?


We will be there at sundown. Find a way to get Kyra in the car and leave while I have them distracted.

I'll do my best Alpha.

You're going to have to do better than your best.


Lisa knew she didn't have much time. She hurried to Kyra and Jason's room. Kyra's dad and a nurse were in the room. perfect.

"Hi Dr.Madison. I wanted to help Kyra to get a shower and change clothes. She has been in those for three days." She looked at Kyra, begging with her eyes for her to go along.

"Yeah dad I feel gross." Kyra gave her dad a pout and puppy eyes.

Mark looked thoughtful for a minute, then gave in. "Fine. But, You have to get right back in bed and call me to put the IV back in." Lisa frowned. Damn. Now she would have to figure out how to get the IV out before they left. The nurse removed the IV and put a bandage on Kyra's hand. "I'm going to send you up something to eat. Hurry with that shower."

"Dad I haven't showered in three days, I'm going to take my time and enjoy it." Kyra just had a feeling that Lisa needed time for whatever was going on. Mark shook his head and walked out with the nurse. Lisa jumped up and locked the door.

"Listen Kyra we don't have much time. Alpha Haynes will be here at dark. We have to get you ready so we can get out of here, while everyone is distracted."

"What do you mean distracted?"

"I don't know. Alpha Haynes just said he was going to distract them." Lisa shrugged.

Kyra studied Lisa for a moment. "Why are you doing this for me Lisa?"

Lisa sighed and looked down before returning her eyes to Kyra. "First, you are my best friend and I should of thought of you instead of being so selfish. Second, Jason is an ass. He deserves to be alone. And third, I saw how happy you were with the Alpha. He loves you ya know."

Kyra was stunned. "What?"

"He didn't come right out and say it silly. It's just the way he talks about you. He told me to tell you that you would be together soon." Lisa was grinning. "Okay enough chit chat. You smell and need a shower." Kyra threw a pillow at her, Lisa dodged it and laughed."Can you walk or do you need help?" Lisa was worried she still looked a little shaky.

"Help me to stand up and we'll go from there." Kyra scooted to the edge of the bed and let her legs hang over the side. Lisa took her arm as Kyra stood, a little unsteady. She took a couple of steps. "I think you're going to have to help." She gave Lisa a shaky smile.

"Hey no problem." They made it to the bathroom and she got Kyra in the shower. "I'll be right back, I'm just gonna get you some clothes." Once Kyra was showered and dressed, Lisa decided she needed to let her know the plan. She helped Kyra into bed and brought the tray of food from outside the door, re-locking it. Sitting on the chair beside the bed Lisa took a deep breath. She was really worried that they would be caught. "Kyra as soon as everyone is out of here, we're taking the back stairs to the kitchen. I have the car parked around the side by the garage. We are heading back to Boston." As she finished there was a pounding on the door.

"Why is the door locked? Open this door!" Jason growled.

Lisa went to the door. "Don't get your panties in a twist! Kyra was getting dressed." Jason pushed the door open and glared at Lisa. "Leave. I need to talk to Kyra." Before Lisa could protest, Kyra spoke up.

"Lisa is staying. Whatever you have to say can be said in front of her." She narrowed her eyes at him and Lisa smirked.

"Baby please, It's private."

Kyra was getting irritated. "Don't call me that. I'm not your baby. Say what you have to say and get out."

"I need to mark you." Jason looked at her pleadingly and then glared at Lisa.

Kyra sighed and looked at Lisa. "Gives us a few minutes alone." Lisa started to protest and she held up her hand. "Please Lisa."

"Fine." Her eyes shifted to Jason and she smirked. "I'll be right outside."

As soon as the door closed Kyra started. "Jason, listen to what I have to say. I am not going to let you mark me and I will not mate with you. Now what did you want to say?"

Jason sat down on the side of the bed and took her hand. Kyra tried to pull away but he would't let go. The tingles and electricty combined with his scent was just about more than she could take. "Kyra I love you. I'm sorry for the decision I made. I am only thinking about what is best for you now."

"Well it's not gonna happen. You made your decision when you sent me away. I Kyra Madison reject you..." Jason lunged forward and put his hand over her mouth and pushed her head back. Before Kyra could protest he sunk his canines into her shoulder at the neck. Kyra screamed and passed out. Lisa came running into the room followed by Kyra's parents.

"What the hell happened?!" Mark was angry that she was being caused pain again.

Lisa was furious. "I know what happened, I was outside the door. Kyra was about to reject him when he marked her without consent!"

"Why the hell would you do that?! It's only temporary!" He pushed Jason out of the way to check on Kyra.

Jason looked confused. "What do you mean?"

Christine's teeth were clenched and she gave him a death glare. "If you mark someone without consent the mark will disappear within a week. The only way for it to be permanent is for the person to accept the mark and mate before the week is over. Now. I think you have done enough. Please leave so we can take care of our daughter." Jason looked devistated but nodded and left the room.

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