the flu

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"Hermione do you know where Draco is?"  i ask in potions class. she turns to me and shakes her head.

"where could he be" i whisper to myself. 

"Miss Kat, is there anything you'd like to tell us'' Snape asks in his usual monotone voice

"no Sir" "a-actually may i use the bathroom?" 


i get up and grab my bag. i was headed to the boys dorm to see Draco still sleeping.

"Draco get up you're late"

"why are you here" he groans

"well you were late and i got worried" 

he turns around and coughs. that worried me so i put my hand on his forehead. "oh Draco you're burning up, lets get you to madam pomfrey"

"no I'm fine, ill meet you in the next class"

"you have a flu there's no way I'm letting you go to class"

"then can you stay here with me?"

i look into his grey, drowsy eyes "fine, you're lucky i somewhat care about you" i grumbled causing Draco to pull me in the bed with him wrapping his arm around me. "thank you for staying with me" he murmured. i smile and hold his hand.

Draco fell asleep so i got up and got a cold towel to put on his forehead hoping it would bring down the fever. it was almost lunch time and i headed to the great hall, "Draco I'm going for lunch, want me to bring you anything?" "No" he groans.

"hey guys" i tell Hermione, Harry, and Ron

"where were you? Professor Snape got real mad" Ron says while eating his 6th chicken

"I'm sorry, Draco has a fever so I'm taking care of him" i cry hoping they wont judge

"brilliant, you're with Draco again"

"no I'm just helping him" i laugh

harry and Ron gave me a concerning stare, if looks could kill I'd be dead. 

"you know what I'll just go" i say

"again?" Hermione frowns

i ignore her and get a plate of food for Draco

"hey Dra-pansy?" 

"why are you here you filthy rat?" she tells me

i roll my eyes and move over to Draco. "hey, wake up Draco i got you some lunch'' before Draco could reply pansy went all out on me. I've had enough of this she's always on my nerves. i put the food on the desk next to Draco's bed and walked out the dorm. how could one be so annoying.                      

i went to my last session, running cause i was a little late. 

"you're late" professor lupin tells me

i mouth a "sorry'' and take a seat next to Blaise, as much as i hated him that was the only empty seat left. 

'' Today we will be using the Boggart, does anybody know what that is?"

i turn behind me to see Hermione raising her hand

"yes miss Granger??"

"the boggart shapeshifts into your biggest fears an-"

before she could finish professor lupin demanded us to stand in a line to start with our boggarts, although i was not ready to confess my biggest fear to the class. once i realized Pansy Parkinson was the first one in the line i was in shock. i couldn't help but confront her "pansy Draco is sick, you should be watching over him instead you decide to be irresponsible!" she scoffs and ignores me. i try to hold in my anger to not cause a scene in the middle of class. i couldn't stand looking at miss pug face. 

after zoning out for 10 minutes straight i turn to see everyone laughing at pansy, as much as i loved that i wondered why they were laughing until i looked in the front of the line. there was me a-and Draco getting married? I've never been so confused. i gave off a perplexed look and then have i realized her biggest fear is me and Draco being together. pug face clenched her fists and ran out of the class crying, i followed behind her and once she realized she turned around and screamed at me.

she finally stopped running and collapsed onto the floor, crying more. "p-pansy?" 'its always got to be YOU" she rants. to be honest i kind of felt bad. i open and close my mouth like a fish trying to manifest words to say. "I'm sorry pansy"  she looks at me and laughs, not believing the words coming out of my mouth. "h-he's not the one for you Parkinson, trust me. he used you and played you and I'm truly sorry. you will find the right guy, i promise" she looks at me and calmed down quite fast. i couldn't believe what was happening right now. i gave her a hug feeling her heart racing, she returned the hug after a couple of seconds. "MISS KAT AND PARKINSON, back in the class NOW" i look at lupin and back at pansy mouthing for her to get up. 

it was supposed to be my turn but thank god the bell rang. Hermione sprinted to me and looked at me in surprise, i looked around the room and back at her "what.." 

"what happened with you and pug face?!"

"We just talked" i say

"hmm odd, why is she flirting with Blaise?" Hermione scoffs

"i might've told her Draco isn't the one so she's probably gonna start flirting with all the boys till she finds the one" i laugh

moments later i remember to check on Draco, i forgot the password to the Slytherin common room so i had to wait for someone to come. minutes after sitting on the staircase i see pansy walking up to me. "Oh no" i whisper to my self. surprisingly she smiled at me and let me go through. rushing to check on Draco i finally got to his dorm. 'DRACO?" 

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