first day

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The train stopped and I knew we had arrived. I saw Draco sitting down all the way across the train and I decided to stay till everyone leaves so it would be just me and Draco.  

"hey you coming along?" Neville asked.

"oh I'll just wait till everyone leaves" I responded. 

it was a long 5 minutes waiting for everyone to leave the train. I felt the need to apologize to Draco, he was just trying to defend me. 

as I approach him I start getting goosebumps. I stop in the middle of the train and freeze, I was extremely nervous. I stood there and froze like a statue for 2 minutes straight but then I finally get the balls to go up to him. "d-Draco" he looks up at me and raises his eyebrows. "Draco I-" before I could continue he rolled his eyes and looked away. "god can you listen to me" I cried. he looks up at me and I had hope he'd say something but he just scoffs. he stands up and leaves the train. there were tears strolling down my face. I know I really hurt him. I feel terrible. 

I go and put my bag in the Gryffindor common room. I had no energy to join class but I had to. I missed Hogwarts, its just not the same without harry, Hermione, and Ron. maybe its best if I give them time until I talk to them.  

I was on my way to the great hall for breakfast and everyone gave me dirty looks. I rolled my eyes and tried to hide myself under my robe. "hey Angeline" said a voice behind me. I really hoped it was Hermione but as I turned around I realized it wasn't. "what do you want pansy" I scoffed. 

"I heard you and Draco broke up, I guess he finally realized you're an idiot" I wanted to punch her but I had to control my anger. "oh shut it pansy" I screamed. "you're just a worthless Gryffindor. i would tell you to go cry to your parents but you don't have any"  she laughed. god I was so so mad. I gave her a little smirk. "pansy its not my fault Draco never liked you back, you're gorgeous but you don't have the personality. here's a little advice, if you want Draco to like you stop being an asshole and grow the hell up". and there was Draco. he felt bad, but I couldn't tell if he felt bad for me or pansy. I didn't care anyways, I despise them both. Draco and pansy looked at each other and smiled. a tear went down my face and as I was about to break down I screamed "well go on with it love birds". pansy and Draco looked at me in ease.

Hermione and Ron tried to talk to me but harry stopped them. I had no friends. it was just me. witch was depressing and boring.

"you have a project to do, let me assign your partners" said professor Snape. I was pretty exited until he assigned my partner, Draco. "b- but you can't put me with Malfoy" I argued like a 10 year old. Snape gave me a dirty look and forced me to work with him. 

while me and Draco were working on the project I scoff. "hey I don't wanna work with you either!" Draco screams. "I don't CARE" I reply. "can you get me the ingredients'' I ask Draco." get them yourself" he says. god I hate working with him. worst part is I have to work with him everyday after class.

my love,DracoWhere stories live. Discover now