12-Back To School

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I so I know that right now I'm skipping through a lot. But I have some really big plans for Year 4 so we have finished Year 3 and are now in our fourth year. I have some absoluty amazing plans. My friends and I have planned this whole year out and it is BIG! I'm really excited! So enjoy!!!!

-Your Author xx


I had spent the first half of the holidays back in Australia but then I got sick of my parents be disappointed in me for dating a Weasley so I ended up going to stay with Sophia. Her parents were really nice to me and gave me my own room. We went to Diagon Alley the day before. We have all of our books and are really excited. We heard about a new transfer student coming from America. Apparently her name is Rubi but she pronounces it weirdly like Rubai. Anyway I hope she's nice. 

Tomorrow school starts. You spent a couple of days with Fred at the start of tthe holidays. You haven't seen him since. You have just been writing to each other. You haven't seen Draco much, you missed him a lot. You guys went to sleep ready to go back to Howarts tomorrow. 

-Tiiiiiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip-

You were standing waiting to get on the train. You finally got on and after a while of looking found a compartment with only one person in there. 

"Hi, do you mind if we sit here?"

"No, please sit, I'm Rubi Bay by the way."

"Oh hi, your the transfer student. I'm Y/n L/n and this is Sophia Haloy."

"Nice to meet you two."

"You too."

You read for a little then heard a knock on the compartment door. You saw Fred there and let him in. He kissed you right away before you could speak.

"Hey You."

"Hello Y/n."

"Do you want to sit in here?"

"No Georgie and I have a compartment down the hall."

"Oh how is George?"

"He's good he misses you Sophia."

"Aww cute but he will just have to wait, I don't want to get up."

Fred left and then the train pulled up at Hogwarts. You got off the train and went to thje great hall for the grand feast.

You sat down next to Draco and gave him a hug. Rubi needed to be sorted so we left her to go to the front. We watched all the first years get sorted then Rubi got sorted. She got into.....Ravenclaw..........,you were hoping she would be in Slytherin but you will still be friends. You noticed George looking at her, you decided to ignore him but you would have to warn him not to hurt Sophia or you would be Avada Kedvraing him very fast.

You had an amazig dinner then headed down to the common room. You and Sophia got your old room back. You were glad that you would be sharing with her again. Draco was still across the hall from you guys. You were happy about that now that you were friends. You had a feeling that he still liked you but you must admit he was hard to get over. You might still like him a little but you couldn't be more happy with Fred.

You and Sophia decided to walk around the halls since it was still early. You turned the corner to see Rubi kissing Dean Thomas. Huh been here not even a day and already found herself an love interest. Anyway if that's the way she wants to introduce herself to Hogwarts I guess she can do that. You turn around and head back to the common room. Sophia went to your room but you noticed Draco sitting on the couch and went over to him. 

"Hey, how are you?"

"Hey Y/n, good, how are you?"

"I'm good."

"I haven't seen you for a while."

"I know I'm sorry, I got busy and forgot to ask if we could hang out."

"It's ok.just missed you."

"I missed you too."

You kissed his cheek and got up.

"Good night Dray."

"Night N/n(Nick name)"

You went straight to sleep ready for your first day at classses.


So bit of a short chapter and I'm sorry about that. BIG plans for this year. Got a new girl Rubi and she is going to cause some problems. We are having the triwizard tournament. Cedric is at the school and next chapter will be the welcome to the other two schools. Again sorry for the extremly short chapter!

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed!

-Your Author xx

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