Chapter 1

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Brooklyn McKnight slowed down to a jog as she watched her twin sister stop the ball from going into the net. She wanted to shout in joy but all she could do was wheeze. She bent and rested her hands on her knees, trying to take in deep breaths like she used to whenever she had such attacks. Her chest felt constricted and all she could do was try to get some air. The constriction seemed to increase with every passing second and she felt dizzy. Before she knew it, her world went black and she dropped down in the middle of the field.

Bailey McKnight saw her sister fall to the ground and within seconds she was beside her. "Brooklyn," she called gently trying to get her to wake up. The paramedic reached them and knelt beside Bailey.
"Urgh," she heard her twin moan and then slowly open her eyes. She sent a silent prayer.
"You are okay,Ms. McKnight. You just passed out. Just breath in and out for me," he said and proceeded to listen to her chest with his stethoscope. He frowned."Do you often have this?"
"She is allergic to a whole lot of things. She gets allergies induced asthma at times."
"I can hear some wheeze. I think it would be best for you to sit the rest of the game out."
Brooklyn nodded, her hand tightening in Bailey's hand. "Does she need to go to the hospital," bailey asked.
"We will assess her again and then decide," saying that he motioned for a stretcher.
Bailey frowned when she noticed Brooklyn hadn't made an attempt to deny a stretcher, telling her that she must really be feeling awful. She turned towards the stands and saw her mother making her way towards them.

Mindy was relieved to see Brooklyn awake but the paramedic was taking her out of the field on a stretcher. She frowned and followed them. She heard the whistle go on behind her to indicate the match to start again. Once they had Brooklyn settled in a tent, she went in explaining to them that she was the mother. "Hey honey, how are you feeling now?"
"You had me worried there for a bit," Mindy said. "Is she going to need to go to the hospital?"
"I will just give a saline neb and an antihistamine. If all is okay she would not need to go to the hospital. Is she allergic to any medicine?"
"Sulphur. I can't take sulphur," Brooklyn replied as she took long deep breaths in the mask.

Bailey entered the tent to check on her sister. She had relaxed a bit knowing that her mother would be there to take care of Brooklyn. The match had ended and they had won. She was excited but worried too. Thank God, it was Friday and they were going to go home for the three day weekend. Her mother had come up to the campus to watch their game.
"Hi." She smiled."We won."
"Yes," Brooklyn said excitedly.
"Well, she seems to be doing well. You can take her home but visit your physician if you do not feel okay at all."
"Thank you," Brooklyn said, almost jumping up from the makeshift bed.
Bailey chuckled, knowing well that her sister did not like hospitals or doctors or people making fuss around her.
"Brooklyn, take it easy, will ya?" Mindy tried to sound stern but failed. She was just relieved to see her daughter was okay. "Okay girls, how about we grab something to eat before we drive down."

A few hours later they were pulling up to their house. In any other circumstances, it would have been Brooklyn and bailey sharing the drive but today it was bailey and mindy. Mindy turned in her seat to look at Brooklyn who was fast asleep in the backseat.
"Brooklyn we are home. Wake up,honey." She said gently tapping her on her thighs. Brooklyn stirred."We are home."
They entered the house only to find all their siblings were home. It kind of made sense. After all the twins were now staying away and everyone always looked forward to seeing them come home. They hugged an greeted each other. " Where's dad?"
"Did someone miss me?" Shaun asked as he came into sight. The two girls ran and hugged him. "I missed you guys too."
Bailey cringed as she heard Brooklyn sneeze for the umpteenth time since they had come up to their room. She waited for her to come out from the bathroom before she said, "Are you sure you are okay?"
"I am fine," she replied. "I have taken the medicine. It should start working in a while."
"I am going to the movies with Asa in a while," bailey let her know.

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