Someone special

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When I returned I saw everyone playing the cards... And somehow I was not feeling good about what I saw infront of me.... both Haruto hyung and and that Guy from earlier were sitting so close to eachother, were even sharing the blankets together, the way their shoulders were touching , the way Haruto Hyung was smiling at him. I didn't like it. I just didn't!!!

When I entered almost everyone noticed me and said oh you are here come Join us!!! But both of them were in their own world!!! Did he really not notice me??

When everyone insisted me to play, I joined the game but unlike everyone I was not good at playing cards... not just good but definitely I was making myself a fool...

Then suddenly the Jihoon guy from earlier came to sit next to me "here let me teach you how to play it".

I no longer wanted to be embarrassed infront of him so I gladly accepted his offer.. he suggested to distribute the cards just for me and he will show me how to play... By the end of 2 rounds, I got hang of that game... I excitedly turned to Jihoon guy and said "oh this is how we are suppose to play, finally I got it.. I said Thank you Jihoon hyung with the smile!!!"

I couldn't believe it at all because right now I was the one who was winning crazily!!! I was just so happy !!! One of the Guy named dooyoung said "Didn't you said it was your first time playing, how could you play so well after just 2 practice???

Then Jihoon hyung replied "he received the training from the best guy in the room, how will he not win"

I was happy too so I looked at Jihoon hyung side and replied "Maybe am a genius, with just 2 practice I beat all of you" Both of us were Laughing and suddenly Jihoon hyung pulled me for a hug! "You look so cute while smiling Junkyu , I just hope you will smile more often whenever I am around."

Everybody in the room started to tease at the same time "oh is that a kind of love confession??" Are we getting another couple in the team or what??

All those comments were making me blush, I didn't know what to do. Then suddenly Jihoon hyung held my hands and moved my face to face him instead, "Junkyu don't blush like that or it might be hard for me to stop  myself from kissing you here".

I was dumbfounded, I didn't know how to respond. Jihoon guy was still holding my hands and all I was thinking was is he noticing my nervousness because clearly I was shaking so much right now.

Suddenly Haruto Hyung replied "I guess people this day live in a dreamland, just winning a few game makes them either a genius or best player!!!" The comment itself was not that bad but they way he said it made it look so bad...

Jihhon hyung was pissed and I could feel by the way he was glaring at Haruto hyung. But when my eyes met with Haruto Hyung it send chills all over my body. He was mad really really mad! I could tell just with the look he was holding,

Suddenly Jihoon hyung let my hand go And turned to Haruto hyung angrily and shouted "yah Haruto what did you just say, I think I heard it wrong!!" Could you repeat what you just said!!"

"I called you a loser. A complete piece of loser do you really think those cheap pick up lines still works on people??" Haruto Hyung replied...

As if your pick up line could make someone stay. With the attitude you have Not just Jeongwoo but everyone will eventually leave your side,  Loser!!

Haruto hyung was just about to hit Jihoon Hyung but thank god Hyungsyuk hyung stopped it. "Both of you stop it, we are here to enjoy ourself ." Lets try to avoid fights as much as we can ok. I guess everyone is tired now right "should we pack up and go to sleep" and everyone said "yes yes let's do that" Thank God Jihhon Hyung backed up and went straight to sleep.. Everyone started to move one by one.

I turn to look at Haruto hyung "was I seeing it correct, he was not angry anymore but he was sad. Even tears were about to fall from his eyes. Who was this Jeongwoo who affected Haruto hyung this much. He left the apartment without saying a word and just when I was about to follow him, Hyung stopped me and said "leave him alone, he will need some alone time to heal". Lets go and rest for now okay Junkyu."

Since four of us Hyungsyuk hyung, yedam and haruto sharing the room, I though maybe when Haruto hyung will return I will talk to him. But it was almost 3 am in the morning but haruto hyung hadn't returned. I was so worried and suddenly Hyungsyuk hyung replied "can't sleep?" And I replied "yes"

Are you thinking about Haruto???

He looked so sad when he left the room so I am really worried. Hyung can I ask you something? who is Jeongwoo???

Hyung remained quite for few seconds then started to talk. Jeongwoo was my best friend.. we both were friends since we were 3 years old. you can almost tell grew up together. He was one friend that I wished to never lose.

But where is he now??

It's a long story... before telling you where he is now, let me tell you a background story on how all four of us met..

I quickly nod and hyung continued..

So During one of school festival in high school , both Yedam and Haruto sang a song.And right after that performance I was sure that I had a crush on Yedam. I was afraid to approach Yedam, So being my best friend Jeongwoo volunteered to help me. And just like that four of us came to know each-other.

Both of them helped me a lot to get Yedam in my life so they meant a lot in my life. All I wished was their relationship to last forever as well. Its a mystery to me as well, they were perfect even more perfect than Yedam and me. Sometime we used to get jealous of how good they looked together!!! But just like people said good things doesn't last forever, their relationship also came to an end after 5 years... Jeongwoo left the country next day they broke up and Haruto never really told me what happened between them. I never had that guts to ask him as well....

Now its been 2 years since they broke up. But Haruto is strong, instead of crying and falling behind he chooses to continue living his life as if nothing really happened. And for that I respect him so much. But you know sometime I get worried too.... for 2 years Haruto had kept everything to himself. He may be smiling all the time, teasing people here and there but deep inside he is enduring so much of pain just by himslef... I wish I could help him but I just don't want to bring those memories back to him... That's why I am just taking care of him from far...

And don't worry so much Junkyu " Haruto will be fine, he knows how to stand up". If he could pass through all these time he will be able to do it this time as well. Ok now sleep Junkyu tomorrow we are going to beach ok !!

With that Hyung also went to sleep... I wanted to sleep but the pain I was feeling in heart didn't allow me to sleep...Tears were falling from my eyes with no intentions to stop. All these time Haruto looked so happy, keeping everyone around him so happy. I never imagined he was enduring this much of pain.

In these past two month he brought so much happiness in my life. I felt so helpless, he did everything to make sure everything was fine in my life but how little did I knew about him. I kept on saying my side of story but never really paid attention to his side of story. I was so happy feeling special that I forgot Maybe he wants to feel special as well. How selfish I was.

It breaks my hearts but after seeing those tears in his eyes I am sure that whoever this Jeongwoo guy is. He means a lot in his life. Am I feeling jealous Or I am just feeling sad. Will I ever mean as special as Jeongwoo in his life?? Will I be able to fill those gap this Jeongwoo guy has left behind??? But most importantly...... Did Haruto hyung really moved or is he is still waiting for that person? What if is he was still waiting??? will I ever will have that chance to have him??? More tears were falling from my eyes!!!

Dear Diary, it hurts so bad to realise that the one you who is special to you may already have someone special in their life as well. what should I do should I stop right here.

CRAZY STUPID LOVE || HARUKYUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon