Don't want to lose him!!!

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Now two of us were alone in the apartment, but unlike previous time we were not feeling awkward at all . Instead both of us were just sitting in a couch and talking about some random stuff. At one point he mentioned that these days he was reading a book called what personality are you, and was really enjoying it. His excitement could be seen in his face when he was describing how he was able to know different types of personality through the book. Maybe because we were alone that's why I got that courage to ask him " Haruto Hyung!!!! what kind of personality do you think I have ???

He didn't expected that question, but he did replied genuinely and maybe too genuinely. Junkyu... I don't know exactly how your personality is but one thing I can tell  you is that, definitely you have different personality than I expected in the beginning. Your first impression was really not that good for me.  I really thought you were some spoiled kid with zero manner and ice cold personality..

Remember 2 months back when we met first time at Hyungsyuk party, you didn't even talk with me. Later on when I kept on seeing you inside the car, I thought maybe you will talk but that time also you didn't bother to talk with me.I wanted to approach you, but seeing how you acted unbothered made me think maybe not. You know Junkyu it was first time I was having double thought while approaching someone.

Can I bury myslef on the ground, why did he have to remind me of that shameful past. Can I not turn back the time and start interacting with him since the beginning??

Maybe he got worried, I was standing there with my regretful face, so he questioned, "Junkyu What's wrong??" I once again scolded myself and replied, "Nothing please continue to what you were saying. "

Sure so where was I... Uh taking about how you ignored me. So yeah as you know I like joking around, making new friends and having fun but approaching you was a difficult task for me... Maybe I was too curious that's why, I slowly started to notice unusual things, Like how you were pretending to be enjoying the ride with us when you were not... How you were fake laughing at stupid jokes of Hyungsyuk ??? I was getting more and more curious to know what kind person are you??? If you were not liking something, why were you not saying, I don't like it ??? But later on, I realized that You were just pretending to not care, you were worried about exposing yourself and being hurt by them right ?

"Hyung how did you figured me  out so well?? That just came out so randomly from my mouth"

He stared calmly at me and replied "because once I was just like you"

He avoided my gaze and continued his talk, "Yes Junkyu today what I am is not how I was in the past. And am glad that I changed, because now I know how good it is to have friends and have fun with them.. When I saw you I wanted to help you to feel this happiness as well. And Junkyu I am so happy that you are opening up day by day not just with me but with everyone. Just look at how you can make fun of people now, how much you smile these days. Sometime when you leave me speechless with all your teasing I wonder if it is the same Junkyu that I once Knew. Even Hyunsyuk had mentioned it that how much you have changed.

Suddenly he moved closer and held my hands, "Junkyu I just wish you will continue to be yourself and enjoy the things around you" Soon he moved his fingers on my cheeks then only I realized that I was crying.

Suddenly we heard the doorbell ringing and Haruto Hyung went to open the door. Everyone were back from their walk. They all looked so happy. They had brought the takeaway food which they served for everyone. we all ate the food while having  lots of fun.

I was overwhelmed with so much of emotion so I decided to go for a quick walk by mysel. While I was walking I was thinking how much I have changed since Haruto Hyung came into my life.

By this time like Haruto Hyung mentioned,  I no longer had to think what he will say if I asked him few questions.....and not only with him but I could talk to anyone and joke around anyone cause I was sure he would be backing me up. While being around him I don't have to act... I can be myself because he gives me a feeling that he will not judge me. Even if I made some mistake so what he would tease me I will tease him back and things will end there. There was no fear of being ashamed.

I was having the best time of my life while spending time with him.  He made me feel comfortable not only around himself but by backing me up while I was talking to someone or teasing someone, he made me comfortable around everyone.  I started to open up because I wanted people to befriend me... I started laugh because I really wanted to laugh not because I was supposed to. Finally I realized how much he had changed me. And more than anything I was loving the change. With all these thoughts running in my head I realized one thing that I don't want to lose Haruto Hyung. Not at any cost. After coming this far I want him stay forever in my life!!!!

Sorry for writing short chapters!! I just write whenever I have thoughts running in mind before they get tangled up so, they are short every time!!! I will try my best to write longer chapters in the future!!!

Once again Thank you for reading!!! and don't forget to share your thoughts *-*

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