Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning at 7am. School started at 8:30am. I got up and decided to dress myself first before waking my little girl. Blue jeans and a top with my converse were my usual school dress attire. I fixed my hair in a high ponytail since I didn't feel like dealing with it flying everywhere today.

Thankfully, Angel went back to being an angel. She was usually a quiet child, with just the occasional temper tantrums. Yesterday was one of those rare days. I walked to her room and sat down, leaning over to kiss her chubby cheek. A few more cheek kisses later and some not so gentle shakes, she woke up.

With more than enough time to spare I made us a proper breakfast after getting her dressed. She did throw a small fit about her dress so I let her choose.

I sat watching as Angel practically vacuumed her pancakes. "Slow down, baby." I chuckled as I wiped syrup off her face. She looked up at me with a pout adorning her angelic features.

"Sorry mommy." She said as the pout remained but the eating slowed.

Angel was now three and a half. A bit small for her age but quite a smart child. She pronounced most words correctly and was more advanced in reading than most children her age. She never failed to amaze me.

We finished up eating and got ready to leave. Pulling into the daycare park, I turned the car off and took Angel inside. I knelt down as I saw Mrs Reynolds approaching us. We had a routine each morning.

"Mommy, you come back?" She looked at me with those same green eyes her mother had. My green eyes. I swallowed the knot in my throat like I did each morning.

"I'm coming back, baby. I promise." I hugged her for a few seconds and kissed her head.

Mrs Reynolds was well aware of this daily routine. She was always patiently waiting. I said my 'goodbye' and left for school. I made it to school with ten minutes to spare. Not wanting to be late again, I immediately went to my locker. I said a quick 'hello' to Katie whose locker was next to mine and headed to the first period.

I walked in to see Ms Rose at her desk looking at her computer. There were only a few students there already and I did an internal dance for not being the first to arrive. Since my permanent seat was right in front of her, it'd be rude to just walk in without a word.

I slowly walked in further and said a quiet 'good morning' once I was close enough, sat down and tried not to seem anxious. She looked up and just as I did yesterday, I felt that weird feeling.

"Good morning, Ms Carter." She looked back at her computer, "nice to see you're early today." I didn't think that required a response so I just kept quiet.

Soon enough class started. I listened as she spoke, taking notes when necessary. I caught myself staring at times and had to mentally shake my head to regain focus. It wasn't my fault her face and ass was right there. I caught myself staring once more. This time I was unfortunate as Ms Rose also caught me.

"Ms Carter, can you explain what I just said please." Again it wasn't a question. I felt heat rise to my neck and cheeks.

"'m sorry Miss, I can't." I stuttered like a fool. I could hear the snickers of the class. I've never felt this embarrassed.

"Pay attention." She narrowed her eyes on me.

I shrunk back in my seat. The rest of the class I made sure to keep my focus on what she was saying.

The first week of school was coming to an end. It was now Friday and I was sitting in fourth period. My science teacher was an old man and he reminded me of that sloth from zootopia. It was a challenge not falling asleep.

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