The ball rolls out of the field, Wonderbat walk up to us to speak.

"If we keep up like that we will end up as a tie." You said clenching your fist.

"There's a way to win." Said Wonderbat.

You,Fei and Yuuichi look at Wonderbat.

"I took Tsuguri Kyousuke aura's, just in case, I can fuse it with Yuuichi's, since they're brother's the compatibility will be unmatched!" Smile Wonderbat.

"You're full of surprise, but Kyousuke stopped playing soccer, Do you really think it will work?" you ask.

"That... I don't know!" Respond Wonderbat.

You, yuuichi and Fei and the other's sweatdrop, but it cost nothing to try, we really need to win this match so we agreed.

The match continued Alpha and his teammates start to attack, Alpha call out his Keshin and use his armor and shoot in the ball.

Shinsuke and the duplicates tried to stop it but fails, but Fei duplicate goalkeeper was able to block it.

"Why?" you could hear Alpha questioning himself.

"You'll see Alpha." You smile and walk away.

"Huh?" Alpha look at you.

Fei gets the ball and pass it to you, you look up at the score and time, there no much time left but its enough for Yuuichi to score.

"Wonderbat!" You shout.

Wonderbat nod and take out his mixi max gun and fuse both brothers together, it succeed.

Yuuichi eyes becomes more like Kyousuke's and his hair too and even grew taller than he already was.

You call out your Keshin and use your armor.

You dodge your opponents. "Yuuichi, this is your last chance!" You shouted and pass the ball to him.

Yuuichi uses Kyousuke hissatsu death drop and breaks trought the goalkeeper hissatsu.




The match ended, Raimon won thanks to this amazing goal.

You walk up to Alpha.

"Did it answer your question?" You look at him.

"I'm still confused." He said.

"I guess you'll see the answer next time we play against each other." You smile and walked back to your teammates.

|Alpha pov|

What did she meant by.. "you'll see the answer next time we play against each other."?

[F/N] [L/N], I don't know what you have done to me, but I can't wait to meet you again and win the next match against you.

|Back to your pov|

Alpha and his team disappeared again retreating.

"We did it Yuuich-" You stopped when you see some lights surrounding Yuuichi, he was slowly disappearing.

"My job is done here." He smile at you.

"Thank you for helping us!" You bow at him.

"I'm happy that I could finally play with you, take care of Kyousuke." Said Yuuichi and disappeared.

"I will..." You mumbled.

"[F/N].." Shindou look at you.

"I'm not crying okay..? It's tears of happiness.." You said trying to hide your face.

"You're a bad liar." Smiled Shinsuke.

"Shush.." you mumbled.

After this we went in the Caravan and returned in the present.


Everyone went back home except you, you wanted to be sure that Kyousuke was back to normal, you walked in the soccer building but saw no one.

"Did it... Fail...?" You said and walked in the room looking around.

The doors suddenly open behind you, you look at the person.. It's Kyousuke !

"Oh, you're here." Said Kyousuke wearing the Raimon soccer uniform.

Just finally seeing him again in this uniform made you wanna cry more.

"What happened? Did you cried?" Ask Kyousuke noticing the tears on your cheeks that you forgot to wipe off.

"No... I didn't! It's uh... Happy tears." You said crossing your arms.

"Whatever you say, here." Kyousuke hand you a tissue and walk toward his locker.

"How's your brother-" You notice Kyousuke was changing back to his decent clothes, you immediately turn yourself toward the door.

"Did no one told you to never change on front of a girl?" You stared at the door.

"What? I was just taking off my shirt." he said.

"Nevermind, I'll wait you outside." You said and opened the door and left the room.

Stupid Kyousuke you still never change your attitude.

After some minutes Kyousuke come out from the soccer bulling with his decent clothes and bag.

"So, are you gonna tell me why were you crying?" Ask Kyousuke crossing his arms raising his eyebrow waiting for an answer.

"It's nothing! I said it's happy tears!" You answered.

"What made you this happy?"

"Uh... Seeing you..?" You said trying to find an excuse.

"W-what? What are you talking about, we almost see each other everyday." said Kyousuke a bit flustered.

"It's not important, let's go home ! I'm tired.." You complained.

"Alright" Kyousuke sigh and nod.

|Tomorrow morning/time skip|


I'm late for practice now, Shindou is soo gonna scold me for this!

You ran in the soccer building out of Stamina and opened the door.

"I'm here-"

"Soccer is now illegal!" you saw the principal saying in the room.


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