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It was now the next day and you were waking up just a little bit later than you did yesterday because it only took you like thirty minutes to get fully ready. You were gonna wear another cute simple outfit but switch up the makeup and hair just a bit. You knew today was also going to be a little bit colder today since it was almost the beginning of October. After you finished your morning routine you went back to your dorm to go get dressed.

After that you once again sat down at the vanity. Ginny was already awake and waiting for you to finish up in the vanity so that she could use it. Like you wanted, you were gonna switch up your makeup and hair just a bit. So that is exactly what you did. You made your eyes stand out just a little more, still keeping it simple. You curled your hair slightly again and put it into a loose ponytail leaving a few pieces in the front out.

Once you were done Ginny sat down and started doing her hair since she really didn't want to wear makeup. You waited for her impatiently to finish and then ran off to find Harry. You were eager to see him because you were gonna play a bit more dangerous today. You knew he would be in the great hall waiting for you. As you walked in you quickly spotted him sitting with Ron eating. You walked up to them and sat on Harry's lap, he didn't know how to react at first but then he wrapped both of his arms around your waist as he remembered the plan. Ron looked at both of you in confusion and asked, "Um are you two a thing now..did I miss something?" Not knowing what to say you looked at Harry and nodded before looking back up at Ron and saying in sync, "We're dating.." Ron went wide eyed and tried whispering but accidentally yelling a bit too loud, "Wait! You two are dating?!?!" Everyone in the great hall went silent and looked over to where you three were sitting. You responded with, "Yes" and of course everyone heard. You weren't mad that they heard but you were in shock now that everyone knows because you and Harry weren't actually was just to get back at Draco for what he did. "Everyone i have an announcement to make. Me and Pansy are dating as well!" you heard Draco tell everyone in the great hall. You eyes started getting teary but you held back and turned around still on Harry's lap and kissed him. Everyone started gasping, Draco was obviously furious at you once again. Yours and Harry's kissing turned into a full on make out session, you were straddling Harry so he picked you up by your ass with your legs still dangling from each side of him. You and him kept making out as he walked out of the great hall with you still on him, you turned the corner and he pulled away and dropped your feet to the floor. "What was that Y/N?? Now everyone is gonna think we are like a serious couple." he said to you. "Well thanks to Ron everyone already thinks we are dating and it was going to get out somehow from Ron, and what was I supposed to do when Draco announced that he was supposedly dating Pansy pug face Parkinson, I didn't know what to do in that moment so I just kissed you... I hope you're not mad at me." you replied quickly. "Im not mad at you, I know you're doing this just to get back at him. So we have to keep going until he wants to talk to you again.. Im doing this for you Y/N, whatever it takes." he said with a smile. You looked at him and wrapped your arms around his neck to give him a hug. He wrapped his arms around your waist to return the hug. You let go and Ron had just walked out of the great hall to come and find you. "Bloody hell...what in Merlins name was that at the table..?" he asked. You giggled at his question, "Like we both said Ron.. me and Harry are dating." you said while grabbing Harry's hand and lifting it up in between you two so that Ron could see. Ron smiled at the two of you and started walking away, as he was walking he turned around and yelled, "Make sure you use protection!" You and Harry started laughing when Ron couldn't hear or see you guys anymore at what he had said to the both of you. Draco walked out of the great hall with Pansy at his side with his arm around her shoulder. He looked at you and Harry as you were still laughing. Draco kept walking with tears starting to form in his eyes as yours and Harry's laugh started fading away from a distance but still echoed in his head. "Baby, what's wrong?" Pansy asked Draco. "Nothing why?" trying to cover up the fact that he had a lump in his throat from holding back his tears. "Because you look like you're about to cry, but whatever.. I don't really care. Just make sure to be in your dorm at 2:00 a.m for when I decide I want to go. Bye!" she said to him as she walked into her dorm. He wasn't going to be in his dorm at that time, he was going to go to the astronomy tower so that he didn't have to put up with her. You and Harry walked back to the common room and entered it. You have been going to the astronomy tower to get fresh air and stare at the night sky every night, so you decided why not go tonight, you never really told anyone that you was always just to get some alone time to think. You looked at Harry and said, "Thanks again for today I'll see you later for lunch!" He looked at you and waved as he smiled. You went into the dorm and saw Ginny reading. "Hey Y/N, what's got you in such a happy mood?" she asked. You looked at her with red burning cheeks, "Oh Im not happy, Im embarrassed about what happened in the great hall today.. I made out with Harry in front of everyone to get back at Draco.." Her mouth fell open and she looked at you in shock. "Omg Y/N seriously?? In front of everyone?!?" she asked. "Yup in front of everyone that was at the great hall for breakfast..." you replied. "Omg.." she said, you thought this was a perfect time to make a joke about you and Harry making out. "Yeah well me and Harry were each other's breakfast this morning." She went wide eyed and you just bursted out laughing and fell to the floor. She ended up getting the joke after you started laughing, "Im just joking but we still made out."

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