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You woke up feeling kind of good about what you were planning for Draco. You got up from your bed and rubbed the tiredness from your eyes away. You walked into the shared bathroom for all of the girls and started your morning routine by brushing your teeth and doing all of your other things. You walked back to your room and picked out an outfit to wear and put on a matching white laced bra and knickers.

You put it on making sure it looked perfect on you. Ginny was still sleeping since she probably wasn't going to do much for her outfit and wear something simple like jeans and a shirt or something like that. You sat down at the vanity that you and Ginny shared and started working on your makeup. You did a simple makeup look to make it look like you tried but not too hard.

You decided to make your hair cute and simple but still wanting people to notice the time and effort you put into your hair. You decided to leave your hair down and keep it slightly curled.

You were proud of yourself. You got up out of the chair and cleaned up the vanity a bit before peacefully waking Ginny up so she could get ready for the day. You gently shook her shoulder, she opened her tired eyes and looked at the person standing in front of her. She said in a quiet voice "Wow Y/N.. you look amazing! Who are you so dressed up for huh?" You looked at her and smiled while saying, "Oh me? Im just getting back at Malfoy for what he did yesterday.." She giggled a bit while getting up out of the bed. "He's going to be really jealous when he sees you. But you know what will make it even worse..? If you made him jealous by hanging out with Harry like in more than a friend way.." she said in a smug voice. "Omg.. thanks Gin, i'll try and do that today... but i thought you liked Harry..?" you asked kind of confused. "No I actually don't.. I fancy Neville to be completely honest with you Y/N." she said somewhat calm as her cheeks burned a bright shade of red. You waited for her to get dressed, and to your surprise she dressed almost as pretty as you did. You both walked out of the dorm and into the great hall for breakfast, you quickly spotted a red head boy chewing on his food and a messy brown haired boy with glasses on. You swayed your hips side to side as you slowly walked up to them as Ginny went to go sit next to her brother Fred Weasley. As you reached Ron and Harry you lifted your hand and slightly dragged it across the back of Harry's shoulders as you took your seat next to him. He didn't seem to notice right away once again and Ron was the first one to look at you. "Blimey Y/ look really pretty!" Ron said kind of nervously. "Thanks Ron!" you replied with a smile. Harry somehow still didn't seem to notice that you were sitting next to him so you moved a little closer to where you shoulders were now touching with each other. He finally looked up from once again reading the daily prophet like he was when you first saw him when you had come back. His mouth fell open in awe and he looked you up and down and blushed a lot. "Harry, I need a favor from you...I need you to help me make someone jealous so just play along with everything that I do. Okay?" you asked impatiently. It took him a while to understand what you just said and replied with, "Um yeah sure i guess that's okay, but who are you trying to make jealous?" He asked kind of curious. "None of that matters right now i just need you to help me." you replied quickly. You looked over and saw Draco already starring at you wondering what you were doing, so you panicked and quickly scooted over more and grabbed Harry's face gently and kissed his cheek, Draco obviously saw this and got furious. You smirked to yourself satisfied with what you've done. You got up from your seat grabbing Harry's hand in the process bringing him with you. You got up knowing that Draco was watching and swayed your hips back and forth as you turned the corner out of the great hall while you and Harry were still hand in hand. When you were out of sight so that no one could see you and Harry anymore you brought him to a more private place so you could talk with him. "Okay so I'm going say some things, first whatever I do while Im trying to make this particular person jealous means nothing between us.. so that includes any type of touching each other or kissing and stuff like that. Got it? And second you can't get mad when I say this but the person that Im trying to make jealous is... um Draco.." you told him all of this so quickly it took him a second to comprehend what you had just said. "U-umm that's fine Im not mad Im just really s-surprised..that you um fancy him." he said. Right after he said that you heard a low voice complaining and realized quickly that it was Draco's voice, you quickly flipped you and Harry over so that your back was now against the hard stone wall and he was in front of you. You pulled him in by his shirt and started to kiss him harshly. Draco came from around the corner and saw you and Harry kissing and he stared for a second and stormed off. You pulled away from Harry when Draco was out of sight and thanked Harry. You started to walk off and went to go find Blaise. For some weird reason he wrote to you a couple of times while you were gone all of those years and always thought you were kind of close with him. You soon found him walking alone in the halls and ran up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.

Lovable (Draco Malfoy Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora