Meeting Aroura

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3rd person P.O.V
Once they walked through the door they saw a beautiful girl singing 'want u back' by Cher Lloyed
Recap over

Once the beautiful girl finished singing she heard claps so she turned around and only to be met with the Mikealsons, Marshall and Claire family as well as her mother

"who the bloody hell are you people" aroura asked in a demanding bitchy tone
"Aroura be nice, these people are my friends" Emily said making aroura scoff
"You have friends mother, that's the most hilarious thing I've heard in ages" said aroura making all of the Mikealsons hold in a laugh
"Anyway don't have time for this so I'm going to find dad.. DAD" Aroura said but only to be stopped by Emily

"Aroura introduce yourself to my friends and your guests" Emily said making aroura roll her ayes
"Hi my name is aroura and welcome to our home" aroura said in a sarcastic tone

"Hello love, I'm klaus and this is my family
" Aren't you fiesty, I'm kol
"Nice to meet you love I'm Elijha"
"Hey sweetheart I'm Freya"
"Hello dear I'm rebekha but you can call me bekha"
"I'm haley, nice to meet you"
"I'm hope"
"And I'm Davina lovely to meet you"
And once they were done aroura looked bored

"Nice to meet you too but I've got to be off to find my dad so see you later I think" aroura said already walking down the stairs but when she left they realised how stunning her room is

"Nice to meet you too but I've got to be off to find my dad so see you later I think" aroura said already walking down the stairs but when she left they realised how stunning her room is

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But what caught klaus eye was all her drawings..

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so klaus decided to say something "guys look at all these drawings there absolutely stunning" making everyone to turn to the drawings

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so klaus decided to say something "guys look at all these drawings there absolutely stunning" making everyone to turn to the drawings

"Well enough about her room and drawings so I wanted to know if you wanted to know about her and or wh-" Emily didn't get to finish her sentence because she was cut off by her husband walking in

"Darling do you know where aroura is, I need her for training" Harry asked walking into her room soon realising the guests"oh hello, I'm Harry west, its a pleasure meeting you"and then there was a chorus of you toos

Emily replied with "aroura said she was looking for you so she won't be far" and Harry replied with "okay ill try and find her" then he turned to the guests saying "hopefully I'll see you tonight"

"Right, so now you've met aroura you can stay here bad hang with us for a while and join us for 4th of July" Emily siad while while walking down stairs with the Mikealsons on her trail like a lost puppy

Once they got into the living room all the Mikealsons sat down as quickly as possible trying to contain there excitement

"So aroura you will love her she is a amazing girl and very beautiful one so that's how she got her name form the Disney feel sleeping beauty" Emily siad making the whole family dead hearts melt "however she will give you the cold shoulder at start because she doesn't let people in so easily like you klaus so just give her some time" Emily siad while everyone was nodding there heads "Omg I almost forgot I make her were a ring that contain her witch powers because she is very powerful and more powerful than hope because she's not a tribid but a quadbid because me being a banshee and your mother being a witch and klaus being a hybrid so she inherited all of those" Emily added on making the whole family in shock but then hope shouted "HOW IS SHE MORE POWERFUL. THAN ME THAT IS NO FAIR" this made the whole Mikealson family turn to hope in anger and shockness

aroura P. O. V
I heard someone scre so I rushed inside but only to see hope screaming at my mum so I took my ring of and screamed by using my banshee powers to make her go quite but then she came up to me and....

, authors note

Well its been crazy

There's already drama between hope and aroura and she's met her family for the first time even though she doesn't know if yet.. What do you think is going to happen next

Klaus Mikealson unknown daughter (discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now