Chapter 3: Brave And Wild

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Professor Dan, or Daniel - his first name, by the way - as he likes for us to call him, was giving his morning lecture on why every day and every year we spend at school is important and vital to our future. Don't get me wrong, since I trust his every word, but I'm wondering if he will ever realize that it has sunk in our heads already. I mean, graduation is in about five months - that's a lot to process within itself - and hearing his daily lectures is just going to make some of us even more fearful of our futures. Aside from that, he's a great teacher. Attractive for his age, whatever that may be. My guess is somewhere between thirty-five and forty; nothing less and nothing more. He likes to wear white-buttoned up, collared shirts, black khakis, casual shoe wear. He has a head full of curls such as I and his eyes are as hazel as Zayn's, shorter eyelashes, however. I wonder what his love-life is like. Any woman would be lucky. You didn't hear any of this from me. Anyways, he does this school some justice by teaching psychology. It works because everyday the class is engaged and I always find myself over-thinking, analyzing, and being a critical thinker, by the end of the day.


"Yes, Professor?"

"Can you tell me one of the sub-fields of psychology?"

"Um, biological. I believe."

"Correct, and why is this specific field necessary, when pertaining to psychology and human behavior?"

"Well, it's important to know the reason behind why people behave the way they do, the way our brains function - anything deemed normal and abnormal, whatever that is these days. Animals are one form of "lab rats" within this practice. I guess people believe they can find 'solutions' for humans through animals. Kind of odd, if you ask me. I guess we're all animals now." Everyone laughed, including Dan.

"Correct and nice way to put it. Now, before the bell rings, I would just like to tell you all that your second-quarter finals are approaching. You all know that I want every single one of you to pass this class. So, please, study as much as you can, even if you feel like you may have better things to do...Liam." Everyone laughed, lightly. Liam buried his head in his arms, due to being embarrassed. That was always his excuse. Then again, that seems to be becoming my excuse, these days. One thing I did take from today's lesson is that maybe my mom has a reason to be the way she is. I can't exactly put a pin-point on why she acts so strict at times. My Nana has raised her well, as far as I know. Maybe she just wants the best for me; but does that have to come with the cost of losing some much needed entertainment time? The bell rung and, immediately, everyone started to retrieve their belongings. "Remember class, we have a small quiz first thing tomorrow. It'll only be five, well-worded questions. Have a nice day!"

Stepping out into the halls was always like stepping out into the unknown. You just never know what's going to happen for the remainder of the day. One little thing can set you back, especially when you're already in that negative mind-frame of not wanting to be here. Contradicting of me, but I don't hate school as much as I make it sound. I guess I just hate school for being the reason that I'm deprived of sleep, sometimes, and the reason weekends are only two days. What kind of fun is that? If you notice, the weekend goes by faster than any other day of the week. Why can't Monday and Tuesday go by just as fast as Saturday and Sunday? It's still two days; it's still the same forty-eight hours. Punishment, I tell you. "Harry!" I came to a stop, then turned around. Niall started jogging towards me. Call me cheesy, but he truly is the best part of my day. He's irresistible; it's like having an upbringing with your very own special someone. The only difference is, it has already been established that his heart belongs to Zayn and my mind, as of two days ago, belongs to Louis.

"Hi, Ni." He grabbed my arm, quickly, and pulled me into the nearest bathroom. At that point, my mind hadn't even processed if it was our rightful bathroom, but I didn't have time to think.

Who Is Harry?: Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now