chapter 2

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Jamie's POV

            I wake up with unbearable pain all over my body. I begin to self inspect my self and see I have a few cracked ribs and bruises along my face and stomach. Over the years of abuse I've learned how to take care of my own wounds.

             Loud footsteps start coming in my direction and I start panicking they usually leave me alone for at least a day when I get beaten this bad. I start breathing hard which is very painful due to the cracked ribs. I see Michael and get consumed with fear.

            Michael always touches me... I haven't ever gotten raped which I'm very thankful for but he's always groping me. Every time he tries to get that far there's always someone to call him off. But there's nobody here now. I gulp loudly as I see him smirking at me with lust filled eyes seeing my ripped top. "Hey princess, it's time for your monthly shower." He said.


             Yep. monthly shower. Over here they only let me shower once a month and I'm thankful they even let me do that. I nod silently and he opens the cell door. He picks me up roughly by my arm and puts his hand on my butt. Tears are already pooling in my eyes. "Maybe I'll join you" he whispers in my ear. I start sobbing as he pulls me towards the showers.

              We get there and he roughly pushes me against the wall. He rips off the remainder of my shirt and looks at my breasts lustfully. He then grabs my pants and begins to pull them off. "Please stop!" I scream as I start thrashing around. He smacks me to shut me up but I keep thrashing. "What's going on?!" One of the guards yell. "Oh, nothing just giving princess her monthly shower." He replies smirking at me.

               "Damnit Michael how much times do we have to tell you? Alpha said NO ONE can touch her that way. She's practically a disease and he isn't going to be happy you went against his orders." He spoke to Michael as if he's a child. Micheals face paled when the guard mentioned the alpha. He roughly pushed me back into the same wall he did earlier and whispered in my ear "I will have you one day." He then pushed past me and went out of the showers.

                 I smiled at the guard in thanks and he scowled. "Don't look happy bitch I was only following the alphas orders now get in the showers!" He yelled at the end. I sighed and got in, I was used to them being mean to me but it still hurt every time they talked about me. I showered and got out. They gave me an old pair of someone's clothes I took them gratefully and put them on. The guard I recognized as Zach grabbed my arm roughly and dragged me to the cells. He pushed me into them and I fell on the floor hitting my cracked ribs.

                   I cried out in pain and saw a flash of guilt in Zach's eyes but it was gone before I could be too sure. He locked the doors and went back upstairs. I stared blankly at where he was a few moments ago and thought about how my life might of turned out if my parents didn't have orders from our power hungry alpha to kill alpha Brody's parents. Would I have made friends? Have a chance at a normal life? Those are questions I'll never know the answer to because I'm going to die in these cells.






                I was wearing blue jeans, a V neck, and my Jordan's.  I didn't try really hard but according to James I looked great. We drove to the party even though it would've been easier to shift but there where humans at the party too, so we couldn't. I walked in and immediately all eyes were on us. Wolves gave a nod of respect while the humans starred feeling intimidated by the powerful aura me and James were giving off.

                Girls were staring lustfully at us while the human guys were glaring at us from a distance. We walked in and James just walked away probably to start drinking even though we burn through alcohol fast so all he can do is get a buzz which I find a waste of time. I walked to the back corner and sat at a table when a slutty looking girl came up to me practically wearing nothing.

                From her scent I could tell she was human. She came and sat on my lap and whispered in my ear. "How about we loosen you up?" In a supposedly sudective tone. But it just made me want to gag. Sure I've been with other girls but I'm not a player I only did it when I was in a relationship because I don't think my mate will be to happy if she see's I'm a manwhore.

             I just pushed her off my lap and said "get away from me you walking STD." Of course I wasn't really worried about that since werewolves can't get STD's but I didn't feel like wasting my time talking to her. She looked at me in shock before she stormed off. A few minutes later a guy around my aye came up to me with the slut trailing behind him. "Did you call my sister a walking STD?!" He asked in rage. Immediately I got angry not liking how he was disrespecting me. I stood up to my full height which toward over his and he visibly started shaking but kept his ground.

              "Yeah I did" I spoke clearly and loudly but calmly at the same time. James came out of no where looking nervously between the two of us. "Hey man maybe we should g-" he was cut off by me. "No James I'm not backing down and instead of trying to pick a fight with me maybe he should try and stop his slit of a sister get into everybody's pants." He tried to punch me in the jaw but I saw it coming and dodged it.

             Anger surged through my veins as I punched him in the nose hearing a satisfying crack that I recognized as his boss breaking. He fell bavkwors from the impact and I straddled him while punching him in the face seeing his blood go everywhere. I barely noticed his sister screaming in the background and James trying to pull me off him. "Dude your're going to kill him!" James screamed.

               I got off him and stormed out if the house. I shifted when I was far enough from the house and ran to the pack house.

I knew Ishouldn'tofcametothisparty.

authorsnote: Heyguys! Chapter 2!! What'dyouthinkaboutthefightBrodygotinto? WhataboutMichael? Givemeyourthoughtsinthecommentsbelow!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2015 ⏰

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