
Start from the beginning

"It's not mine," he responded immediately, tucking a lock of hair behind his ear. "We were giving it back...

The oldest then joined them by the door, pressing his hand to the white, painted surface and clicking his tongue at the dilemma. "Boys, he's been here what? Two days? I thought we were getting better at this. Ji, you can't use your kleptomania as an excuse anymore, since you refuse therapy."

"This is the first time in months, in fairness," Jaemin defended him. "The last thing he took was worthless, anyway. It was just shiny."

Mark knocked on the door again for them, receiving no response like the others and retracting his hand. The phone buried in his pocket rang for the nth time that day, making everyone groan at the all too familiar sound.

"Don't take that," Jeno begged. "Please help."

Hyuck swiftly took the device from his lover's pocket and set it to silent. "They'll just tell you to leave again, anyway. When does the filming even end?"

"Unimportant right now," Mark muttered before twisting the knob and finding Chenle to have unlocked it. "Go give it back, Ji."

"On my own?"

"Obviously. You don't see any of us blacking out and breaking the law. Go on."

"Renjun's sort of scary though..." Jeno admitted, "He's easily irritated and clearly doesn't like us very much. He reminds me of you, actually."

"I'm not irritable and I'm dating you lot for God's sake!" Mark rolled his eyes and took the iPad from Chenle to place in the youngest's hands. "You're not scared of me, are you?"

"Sometimes," Jaemin chuckled with a teasing smile, his attire barely covering him as he tugged it around himself more. "Had I not been one of the originals, I'd have been way more skeptical about joining this group."

"I'm gonna' go in with him," Donghyuck hummed before pushing Jisung into the apartment and clinging to his back. "See you in Hell, if we don't make it out."

They disappeared within, leaving the oldest to scoff and return his attention to the others. "I could totally understand if Hyuck was wary around me, but that's because I'm his caregiver. Am I seriously that-"

Jaemin shut him up with a soft kiss, cupping his cheeks and attempting to disperse his concerns. After pulling away and leaving several short pecks to his lips affectionately, he murmured, "If none of us were dominant and commanding, we'd be a mess. Besides," he chuckled when Jeno poked his side annoyingly to see that soul-lifting smile he could produce, "You're a good Daddy."

"So you say," Mark pinched his sides as well, kissing him once before shuffling the remaining members towards his room. "Go to bed. I'll deal with Renjun's supposed temper."

Jaemin, Jeno and Chenle all nodded worriedly before returning to the room from which they came.

Meanwhile, Renjun was shoving his whole body against his bedroom door to stop the strength of both Donghyuck and Jisung from opening it. He scowled, his feet sliding against the wooden floor before the pair burst in and harshly grabbed him just to pin him against the near wall.

Jisung tossed the iPad to the duvet carefully, watching it bounce once before settling. The apartment was eerily dark but for the moonlight running through the windows and spilling across the floors and furniture.

"Seriously, you two. I don't know what the fuck this is, but I'm this close," Renjun made a pinching motion with his thumb and index finger, "To calling the fucking police. I keep telling myself that I can handle this, but I can't!"

"Oh relax," Donghyuck murmured close to his face, fingers tight around his shoulders, "We're not here to give you nightmares. We're here to give that iPad back."

The oldest's eyes widened exponentially at the statement, shifting his gaze to the bed where he had seen the tall boy throw his device. "Hang on....when the hell did you take that?"

"While you were at school," Jisung admitted as he scratched the back of his neck. "I don't know how to explain this to you, but I couldn't help it."

"You couldn't help it? Wh-How....ngh, why? Why would you do that?"

"He has a condition, alright? Chill out, we have it under control," the second oldest spoke in such a relaxed tone, that it infuriated the victim.

"Oh right, I can see that. Please go, both of you!" Renjun snarled as he pushed them away and waltzed towards his bed to inspect the nonexistent damage. "Damn it, I can't rest easy here."

Jisung did feel certain levels of guilt for his unlawful actions, but again, there was no amount of that feeling that could make him stop. Wandering into the others' bedrooms at night was another strand of his thieving problem.

He always gave everything back in the end, though.

"Goodnight, Renjunnie," Donghyuck waved with a thoughtful look that signified he was pondering on something. "C'mon, Jisung."

They started shuffling out, leaving the oldest alone in his room. He watched their retreating backs, still seeing the brunette as the kid with the blindfold and the taller as the boy with no personal space limitations. They were weird, but so were the rest of them.

As he leaned against his doorframe, the iPad clutched against his chest, he elicited a long sigh.

Things couldn't stay this way. He needed to either fix the throbbing issue between communication with his neighbours, or get out of there before it got too difficult.

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