"Your named seemed familliar.." Akashi looked at him and cross his legs and arms "Oh??"Akashi spoke and Ogiwara nodded and reply "Well, it seems familliar of a name that his a King of all Kings, mostly everybody call him Emperor" Ogiwara explained and Akashi smirked.."I see.."
"Sorry, I'm late" Kuroko who was carrying water and put it to the table for the both of them. "Ah..It's Ok Kuroko" Ogiwara smiled and Kuroko smiled back but Akashi cut them off "Tetsuya, it's gonna be afternoo, and we better get going."he command and Kuroko nodded. "Grandmother, we're going now" who Kuroko kissed her grandmother's forehead. "Becareful, ok?" She spoke and Kuroko nodded with a smile.

"Where are you going??" Ogiwara spoke and Kuroko sweatdrop..and look at Akashi "Just a second" kuroko who scratch his head and Akashi's eye's widened when Kuroko grab his hand go to something private..Ogiwara was confused even Akashi who was quite surprise by Kuroko's sudden Actions, Kuroko asked infront of the Emperor "Can he..Come with us? It's been quite a while that he didn't showed up from me, Can He?" Akashi looked down at his hand, that was being hold by Kuroko. He can see that Kuroko was quite begging his old best friend for him to come.. he has no choice but to agreed, he couldn't resist the Bluenette. "Yes, He can, But just a few hours, he can--" Akashi was cut off by a sudden..

Hug by the bluenette.

"Thank you Akashi Kun!" With a sparkling smile and Akashi's eye's widened.."O-Oh.." He quite shutter and couldn't believe it..He liked at The bluenette's reaction, he was being hug by this bluenette and yet he hug back and reply "Anything, Tetsuya" Kuroko who nodded and stop hugging with a smile on his lips and goes out. Akashi was still stunned their, his heart can't stop beating, he felt it, he felt a little blush on his cheek's that his eye's flickered in crimson and gold. He liked it, that he smirk himself.

He goes out and he can see Shigehiro and Kuroko outside, waiting. "Akashi Kun" With a smile on Kuroko's lips. "Tetsuya, let's go" while Ogiwara was confused wherr are they going. "Where are we going, Kuroko?" He asked Kuroko and Kuroko just looked at him and reply "I'll tell you, if we get there, Ogiwara Kun" With a smile on the Bluenette's lips. Little did they not know, Akashi was watching them and he pulled Kuroko closed to him, so close that more distance to Ogiwara.

Ogiwara notice it, but he slowly grab Kuroko in the arm and pull him close to him. Akashi notice it that Kuroko and The Emperor grab Kuroko in the waist and pull him close to, him, now Ogiwara pull him quite closer again and Kuroko so confused, of what's going on. He remove both of their hand's fastly and go somewhere and point that make Ogiwara jaw drop a little. "Why are we here? At the King's castle?" He asked and Kuroko just smiled "This is where I live, the King let me live here" Ogiwara was confused and asked again.."Who's the King?"

"Him.." Kuroko point at Akashi.

Ogiwara turned into stone and bowed at apology "It's Ok, Tetsuya, let you be  so It's ok for me Ogiwara" he was stunned..calling him by his first name. "You called me...by my first name..?" Ogiwara who raised his head and scratched his head. "Yes, I actually called them by first name. Let's go inside."

Ogiwara and Kuroko nodded. The Knight's we're stunned. "Your Highness, is this a guest?" Kise asked and Akashi nodded "Prepare for the lunch" Midorima nodded.

They are now sitting at the dinning room, Kuroko was still in the middle, and every maid's was watching even the Miracle Knights, Kagami asked.."Who is that boy?"point at the browned hair "I don't know..Maybe Aka-Chin's new guest.." Kise who replied the giant.."How can it be a new guest? Kurokocchi can be the only one coming here" But Midorima spoke adjusting his glasses "Let's just see Nanodayo" Aomine who nodded even the other's and goes closer to listen to their conversation.

But it was quiet. Kuroko who is eating and looking at the both of them, Ogiwara asked him "Why do you live here by the way?" Kuroko was gonna replied him but he was cut off by Akashi "I let Tetsuya, live here, since his my...

Closed Friend..

He has no choice where he could live, so I let him stay here" Akashi who was eating and Kuroko just nodded, Kuroko saw how Akashi act weird today. "His right..Ogiwara Kun" Kuroko make a smile on his lips. When they are eating, Kuroko quite cough a little from his lips and the Knight's eye's widened that both of them put some water and gave it to Kuroko. Kuroko was quite sweatdrop. And he just grab the cup and put some water to drink, as he spoke "I-It's ok, I have one"

Akashi who just put the water to the table, he hummed by the sudden action of Ogiwara..'He seems, Liked Tetsuya...More than a friend' his eye's flickered and look to Kuroko who was eating blankly. The Emperor stand up, "I'll be at upstairs, reading some letter's about the Kingdom's. " he spoke and Kuroko nodded. "We can talk at the Garden Ogiwara Kun" Ogiwara flinch a bit..and look at the Emperor and he can feel his sharp gaze was on him.. he gulped and just look in the other gaze. He saw that Akashi caresses Kuroko's cheek and Kuroko didn't mind it. That the Emperor walk out the dinning.

The Bluenette spoke.."Let's go at the garden" Kuroko smiled and Ogiwara nodded..

That they both go in to the garden and Ogiwara admit..that their something between the King and The bluenette..

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