Chapter 16 : Confrontation and Comfort

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"oh so you found out" i heard someone speak behind me. i turned to see my 'so-called-mother' 

"who is that boy there?" she asked referring to Tewksbury 

"I'm Viscount Tewksbury" Tewksbury said politely 

"oh dear" my mother whispered and bowed down as he was a 'higher rank' than my parents.

"Stop with the theatrics" i said as my 'father' rolled his eyes 

"don't act all tough and mean, you have to come with us as you have nowhere else to go" my mother said 

"i don't think so, you have no legal power over me and i have found my godmother, i have a place to go to" i said boldly and directly 

"you ungrateful child, we payed for your schooling and bought you everything you wanted" my mother yelled angrily 

"you used my parents money" i said as i held the bank receipt 

"where did you get that?" my father asked with anger and shock written all over his face

"i took it the night i left home" i said cooly  

"And i just found out you have no proper legal authority over me" i said boldly and then went on "im not staying with you anymore and i have found a proper guardian for me. i will have someone to get my bags later" i said tears threatening to spill.  

"you can walk out like that, this isn't over young lady!" my mom yelled back

"i will come back later, don't worry" i said while looking at her directly in her eyes, as we walked out of that place and went to a small, quite and empty road. 

"you were quite brave" he said while trying to lighten the mood. He looked at me later to find my eyes welled up with tears.

"are you okay?" Tewksbury asked me. My throat felt dried and I just hugged him while crying. He realized this and stroked my hair. 

"You did the right thing, everything will be fine" he murmured while patting my back. 

A/N: Sorry guys for this boring chapter. My exams are nearing so i wont be posting often, but i will try my best! Have a good day/night!  

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