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 I just found out the song from above, let me know what you think about it!

"Could I have a peppermint tea?" a girl asked me as I took the orders.

"sure!" I happily said smiling sweetly.  

"these are the orders" I said as I handed them to Edith. 

"thank you Y/n. I can handle the shop myself, besides I have so many people here helping me. You go, do you thing" she said as she slightly pushed me.

"ok ok" I said as I took one of my books and headed outside.  

The sun once again took her rightful place on the horizon. She let her rays cascade onto the world, bringing the scene into full view, adjusting the brightness and contrast. I heard the soft rustling of the leaves when the free wind blew through them.

After a while of strolling in the park, I went to my classes. I was in the last semester of my course and I had great interest in it. 

I slowly headed to Tewksbury's tree house. On the way I observed the people in the road, they were all so busy in their lives, like me. I had absolutely no time today as I had to meet with Tewksbury and study with Enola.

 Life was just great.

Though I had no idea what to do in my life, everything seemed to come together. I had found some of my family's stuff in the mansion. I didn't know what to do with the place just yet. The last few days had been hectic but empowering. I am much confident in my self now and I have made great friends along the way. My thoughts slowly drifted to Tewksbury, he and I had been meeting quite often and have gotten considerably close. 

In no time, I had already reached his place. He looked at me and gave a excited smile and waved.

was it just coincidence that I had met him? 

Is it just coincidence? [Tewksbury & Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ