Untitled Part 3

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"What! " she screamed at him "How can you say this after fucking me the way that you did, I dont beleive this, you just cant do this to me after all the time I have invested in you, I have sacrificed so much of my work time too, dont youlike to be with?" she bounced on top of his torso, forcing him to look at her and answer her. Ian stared at Estelle and wondered why it was that he couldnt bring himself to love her, give their relationship a legal name, she was very beautiful, excited him and amply satisfied his needs without haressing him too much. "Estelle" he signed "please be patient and hear me out ,I agree that you and I are  well matched sexually but life has more aspects to it than only sex, you got into this relationship with open eyes, I never forced you to to do anything that you didnt want, if you have given me time then so have I or have you forgotten the countless shopping expiditions, movies, picnics and other outings, you knew very well that this would never lead to marriage, I had to get married eventually it just wasnt meant to be with you, look I like you very much and I would love to have you as my lover for now atleast till I sort things out a bit, if you are willing and I make myself clear only if you are WILLING! can this thing have any future, if not then this night will be our last and I will be out of your life for ever." She started punching him on his chest, pulling his hair and scratching his face. She was tall around 5 ft. 8" and strong but he was so much stronger, he flipped their positions and pinned her body under his, capturing her hands and holding them above her head, he smiled sardonically " We are getting feisty are we, you know I love a challenge, if you arent prepared to face the consequences then dont provoke me otherwise I swear that you will pay" he threatened her. When she tried to squirm and throw him off her body he held both her wrists in one hand and holding her neck still with his other hand , crashed hid lips against hers, he bit her bottom lip harshly  and forged into her mouth, his kiss and his rough handling excited her and even though she wanted to show her temper she couldnt, before any time she had totally given up her fight and was putty in his hands.He took it slow this time as was his usual nature pleasuring her as much as he pleasured himself.


"Hi Dr. Banerjee how are you this morning?" Ian greeted his best friend Hari who was also a very famous opthelmologist. "Yeah bugger, why so formal with me all of a sudden and what was it with that totally fuckable foreigner last night, I wouldnt mind having her after you finish with her, wow! what a beauty and what beautiful eyes..." cutting his friend off mid sentence with raised hackles he said " shut up you filthy man, she is going to become my wife and your bhabi or boudi however you want to address her, anyway Ive called to make an appointment for her with you" Hari was confused as to how such a beautiful woman could have problems with  lovely eyes and asked "Why  whats up with het?" Ian was silent for sometime and then added "She is blind, but not from birth, she lost her sight when she was around 10 years old, I want to find out if she can be helped. " "WHAT ARE YOU SAYING, I WOULNT HAVE KNOWN IF YOU HADNT MENTIONED IT BUT HOW CAN THIS BE, SHE DIDNT SEEM BLIND AT ALL, INFACT HER GAZE WAS VERY DIRECT WHEN SHE LOOKED AT ME AND SPOKE TO ME, IAM SURE THERES SOME MISTAKE, I WOULD HAVE DEFINITELY KNOWN BECAUSE AS YOU KNOW IAM A WORD FAMOUS EYE SURGEON" he shouted his surprise to his friend. Again Ian was silent for a time and then added "I know it is unbeleivable specially after seeing her eyes but its unfortunately and absolutely true." They discussed the fastest time Hari could fit them into his busy schedule and then some more about how Ian had met Prescilla. They rang off on a very friendly note laughing and cracking dirty jokes just as friends often do. Ian then rang up Prescilla "Hi! how was your night, I hope I didnt catch at a bad time?" he asked her. She had been waiting patiently for his call, thinking about him, his soft touch the previous night, his gentlemanly behaviour and his request. Keeping in mind her own response to him she had discussed him with her sister Leena, who had been very discouraging about the entire thing saying "Please dont get into something too serious here as you are just 18 and he is 10 years your senior, plus he is an Indian while you are a Britisher, you will always be the outsider with his family and let let me remind you that you are leaving inb 3 weks time." when Prescilla had said "This is one of the few things that I feel is absolutely right, though if you ask me to explain I wouldnt be able to, its just a gut feeling, I feel human with him, he makes me feel things like any other normal girl please try to understand dear sis." Leena had capitulated and said "Ok, its your life, Iam here for you if you need me and do be carefull." So on hearing his question she was very happy "Ive been waiting to hear from you, you make me so happy, so tell me what are your plans for us?" she asked him. He was surprised at her quick and positive response. His heart lurched and he forgot what he had been going to tell her, which surprised him even because he was normally very confident and went for whatever he wanted in a no nonsense sort of way. " Oh! hell and damnation, what is she doing to me, is she making me less of a man?" he thought to himself, then laughing added  "Well, will you be willing to have dinner with me tonight? but I must warn you that aunty wont be there as she has gone to her friends house in Mednipore for some days." "Yes, I would to and dont worry I trust you more than I trust myself" she giggled.They finalised the time he would come and fetch her after work and after chatting for some more time rang off.

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