"What the hell?!" I shout, snapping my attention over to where my manager was sitting. But my anger quickly subsides when my eyes confirm what I had thought I saw earlier during the fight. 

Gor Koresh was sitting there with a few of his bouncers, all of them aiming their blasters at a familiar-looking Mandalorian and his little green child. My eyes widen and my back instantly stiffens out at an uncomfortable rate. 

"Leave him be, Koresh," I say, slowly pushing myself up to my feet while squaring my broad shoulders out in hopes to intimidate him enough to listen to me. He keeps his blaster aimed at Mando, making me sigh. "Leave him be and I'll let you have the whole cut of what we made tonight."

"You're going to have to offer something that's not already mine, Mae," he says, scoffing while rolling his one eye at me. He and his many bouncers keep their blasters trained on the Mandalorian's head, who looked to be a little too comfortable with that many blasters pointed at him, might I add. I take a single deep breath, holding it while I carefully thought about the next few words that were going to come out of my mouth. 

"How about you leave him alone and let him walk out of this place with his kid, and I'll sign a contract to fight under your management for another year," I offer, sucking in a shallow breath afterward. I promised Kes that I'd leave this place and get into racing once my current contract was up, but if I had to do another year here to get Mando out of this little predicament, then so be it. 

"Sorry, but I can't do that."

"Excuse me? You did see what I just did to that guy's face, right?" I ask, nodding towards the unconscious man who was still lying in a starfish position with blood pouring from his nose while various cuts were scattered over his face. I slowly place one foot in front of the other, walking towards him in a perfectly straight line as I maintained my intense eye contact. "I'm the best fighter you have in this joint, and you know it, Koresh. Another year of my fighting under your management would do this place some good. So just take the deal and let them leave."

"Just stay out of this, Mae," he spits back at me, his one eye flicking over to my figure in a quick glance. 

"Sorry, but I can't do that," I say, mimicking the same words he had said to me just moments before. I take a deep breath and pop my neck, keeping my eyes set on his sitting figure. My brown eyes caught sight of the slight quiver in his hands as he nervously swallowed, making me smirk as I drew closer. 

Even though he tries to act like he isn't afraid of any of his fighters, I knew how the quivering man really felt about me. Gor Koresh was a man that was easily spooked, hence the reason why he always seemed to keep some sort of fighter or bouncer nearby. He was never one to truly get his hands too dirty. 

"It looks like you're going to be losing your best fighter a few months early," I say, winking as I made it to the edge of the large ring, "And that's a real damn shame because I liked my pay here."

"You may be a good fighter, but we have you both eight to two," he says, narrowing his eye at me. A smirk plays over my face and I pop my knuckles, holding in a laugh that was desperately fighting to come out. 

"I like those odds," I say, taking one more step towards the edge of the ring, letting the toe boxes of my boots hang off the side. 

"As do I," Mando says, finally speaking as he activated something on his vambrace.

As a few metal rockets shoot from his shiny vambrace, I grab onto the ring's cables, sliding under them and shoving my feet flat against one of the bouncers back. I trip another and then bring my hand out towards the fight ring, using the force to bring over the knife that my opponent had been using to my hand. I stab it into one of the men's chest while holding my other hand up in a loose fist. He chokes and falls unconscious as I let him drop to the ground and out of the force choke. 

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