Wake up?

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The faint smell of pot and booze hung in the air. She rolled over an reach for the carton of cigarettes she knew was on the bedside table. In one motion she snatched a light and brought it and the cigarette to her lips. She slid out of bed and walked in front of the mirror, she began to study her naked body.
Alice wasn't an especially pretty girl, this she knew, but in her life Alice had had extreme success with men. "One of the pluses of havering no morals," she thought.
She turned to look at the man laying in her bed, trying hard o remember his name. After a moment she removed to call him "early" an inside joke to herself , and a reference to the time they had spent in bed together the night before.
She turned back to the mirror and pulled on her underwear, wondering if it had been necessary to throw them halfway across the room.
Alice's home was small, dirty, what you might call "a hole in the wall," but no one bothered her. That's why she stayed.
She sat down on the black couch and put her cigarette out in the arm. Leaning back, her mind wondered until it settled on the topic of her dream the night before. What was that noise? In the corner? What does the room mean?
She leaned forward, her movement met a creaking noise from the old couch.
Four red pills lay in a pile on her table, a new drug. Supposed to make your dreams last longer and remain more Vivid. She took her lighter an began to crush up the pills.

"Hey Sweetcheeks,"
Just then "early" walked into the room fully dressed. He strode over to the refrigerator and opened it. "Shit!" The was a loud yell from the kitchen met with sound of broken glass.
"Well, I could run out and grab some breakfast." She did not respond. A sigh and the the sound of the front door closing. "Thank god," Alice thought. "I thought I was going to have to kill him."
She finished crushing the pills an divided them into four lines.
One: Her vision blurred
Two: Her body felt numb
Three: Her eyes started to close
Four: Blackness overtook her.

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