chapter 6

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Brion in the M.M.
After breakfast we all went to Walmart and got some personal things and household stuff. My mom is coming back from California tomorrow and we live in Saint Louis.(my home town, back to your regularly scheduled program). We always cleanin up the day before she comes back.

We were in the dishwashing liquids when I got a call from my mom. Her ringtone was Remember Me By Red Dirt (on soundcloud just search red dirt).Then I picked up on the 3rd ring

Bre: "Aye Ma".

Mom:"Hey Bre". Bre heard a hint of sadness and disappointment in her voice.

Bre:"What's wrong Ma?"

Mom: "I'm not gonna be able to come b--(gco).


Mom:Honey I'm sorr--(gco)

Bre: "Mane save yo Sorry cause Sorry don't fix nun ".

Mom: "I still love you, Brion and Bre'Anna.

Bre: "Mane save yo I love you's too cause love don't live here no mo ".

Mom: "I still love y--

Bre: "Bye Michelle." Then I hung up and left her on hush mode. I only call her by her first name when I'm mad at her. I stormed out of the aisle.

Brion P.O.V

Me and Anna heard somebody yelling and we thought It was Bre'Elle.

We ran down to see Bre'Elle on her knees with her hands in her face crying her eyes out.

Brion: "Baby girl What's wrong?? "

Bre: "Mom ain't coming back and I don't wanna talk to her no mo. " she jumped up and gave me a big hug.

Brion: "Everything's gonna be alright bre."

Anna came up and joined in the hug. I hate seeing my two favorite people cry it makes me wanna cry too. Bre and Anna are mommy girls and I hate to say it but imma momma Boy my dad wasn't in my life since I was about 4 years old and Anna wasn't even thought about. These people are about all I have left.

Squad P.O.V

AS we all entered Walmart we all seent Bre, Anna and Brion crouched down crying. We rushed over and started asking all questions.

Darren: "What's wrong?"

Tia: "Brion Why is my best friend crying her eyes out?"

Ja'Myia: What's wrong with my Bre bre?"

Chris just started singing to her

Jamison: "calm down everybody".

Diona: "I can't stand to see her like this."

Darrell: "Mane I hate to be around all dis crying but--(gco)

Everybody: "SHUT UP DARRELL!!!

DARRELL:" I was gonna say that I hate to be around all dis crying but they is like my family and I actually care."

Squad: "hhhhhh"(in shock)


Bre'Elle jumps onto Darren

Darren:" Aye Brion can I take her with me real quick I gotta talk to her I'll bring her back to y'all house After."

Brion: " Yea just bring her back by 5 she got school tomorrow ".

Darren: "Aight Mane thanks."

Squad all left to go to Darren place but his folks wasnt home

Unknown P.O.V
AAAAWW poor little baby Bre'Elle is crying. That's exactly What's she's gonna do when I beat her up and take my man back.

Oooooohhhh cliffy.

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