This is my punishment

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A/N: can you not tell I'm depressed? ._. I can assure you, I don't cut, though. Only a mental blade

The blade is positioned

It glints in the sun

It’s angry sharp edge against soft, pale, skin

This is my punishment

She loves me

She loves me not

Probably the latter

For who could possibly love

Someone who will only abuse them?

I’ve heard those words before

And I know very well what they mean

I scream to the heavens

I’m sorry.

This is my fault.

I broke her heart.

This is my punishment

I drive the blade deep into my porcelain wrist

Hissed as my innocence was torn apart

My soul dripping onto the tile beneath

The world began spinning

As I started to collapse

The last words I muttered on my tongue

I love you.

This is my punishment.

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