6. Overprotective

Start from the beginning

            “Who died and made you her guardian?”

            “Nobody,” I interjected.

            “Elena did not too long ago,” Damon retorted to me. My eyes narrowed. Damon’s eyes didn’t leave Trevor. “Like I said, keep away from her. She doesn’t need to be involved with someone like you.”

            “Enough!” I groaned. Damon glared down at me. “Don’t pester each other. It’s bad enough you’re here. You like to make things worse, don’t you?”

            “It’s become a pastime of mine. Anyway, I think we’ve stuck around long enough.”

            Damon dragged me away from Trevor. I threw Trevor an apologetic smile, but he had the coldest look on his face. I was pretty sure it wasn’t intended for me.

            Damon shoved me in the passenger seat like I was being pushed into the back of a cop car. I buckled myself up, crossed my legs and arms, and stared straight ahead while Damon got in and started the car. I was so pissed.

            It was going to be a silent, tense car ride.

            It felt that way for ten minutes. I was seething inside. The one time something good happened to me, Damon had to ruin it. What else was he going to ruin for me? What else would be taken away from me? My freedom had been temporarily, and now I knew it would be permanent because of what I just pulled. It’s your fault, stupid. You didn’t think your great plan through, and now look where it’s gotten you.

            Well maybe I wouldn’t be here if Elena wasn’t an overprotective cousin, I countered.

            You wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t spoken a word to Trevor.

            My conscience defeated me. Even though I was at fault as was Elena and her witness protection program, I had more of the blame.

            “What were you doing with him?” Damon asked softly. I didn’t turn my head or even look at him. I was surprised he was even talking to me. I wanted a silent car ride. I guess I wasn’t getting that now.

            “What do you think? He took me out for a ride, and then we were talking,” I said snippily.

            “That didn’t look like talking when I found you. He looked like he was about ready to suck your face off.”

            “No comment.”

            “How could you stand to be near him anyway? He reeked badly.”

            “So what? His cologne went bad,” I snapped defensively. I wanted to try and keep the chatter off of Trevor a bit. “How did you find us, anyway?”

            “Like I said, that’s something for me to know and for you to never find out.”

            “I can’t believe Elena sent you to find me. I’m not a criminal, I’ve done nothing wrong!” I moaned.

            “That’s what you think.”

            “I should’ve known there was no way you’d come find me on your own. Well, there probably was a chance of that, but it seemed very unlikely.”

            “Elena saw the door was unlocked when she came home. She called Stefan and me, begging for us to help find you. Mind you, she only had us search for you. She didn’t call on Caroline or Bonnie to help search for you. It was just me and Stefan.”

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