Chapter 8 - Maid Of Honor

Start from the beginning

"You look stunning," Noori speaks.

"Absolutely gorgeous," Naomi follows.

"Beautiful," I smile and squeeze her hand.

"Okay, okay," Chelsea starts. "Off we go, please, before I start crying."

We all head down the elevator to the ballroom of the hotel and we gather in the hall.

I spot Noori whispering something to Chelsea before heading over to her groomsman and before Chelsea steps over to her father.

I take a peek into the ballroom and smile at the sight of Chris waiting nervously at the alter.

"Where's Jonathan?" I ask referring to my designated groomsman.

"Change of plans," Noori takes me by the shoulders and the music begins to play.

"What?" I freak out. "The wedding is about to start! I go in first!"

"We can wait a minute," Noori reassures me and I look at her confused.

I hear someone running down the hall and a smile is plastered on Noori's face, so I turn around to spot who it is.

"Sorry I'm late," Toni speaks, corsage in hand.

I widen my eyes at the sight and begin to smile and jump a little.

"Toni!" I smile and hug him tightly. "Oh my God! You're here! I haven't seen you in-"

"Kat, you have to go now," Chelsea chuckles.

"Oh, okay, okay," I nod.

Toni takes my left wrist and puts the corsage on.

"I got this just for you," he smiles at me before I loop my arm around his and we walk down the aisle.

I couldn't help but stare and smile at Toni at the end of the groomsmen line and he kept laughing to himself throughout the ceremony too.

After Chelsea and Chris were officially married, and we all had to step into a different room across the hall so they could set up for the reception, I got to speak to Toni properly.

I hug him tightly as we enter the other room and begin to speak.

"I can't believe you came! All the way here for a wedding!" I take his hands in mine.

"I'd do anything for you, Kat," he smiles.

"I've missed you so much!" I hug him again. "You flew all the way from Spain for a wedding. Oh God, how am I gonna repay you?"

"I'll be staying a couple of nights if that's okay with you," he smirks.

"Yes! Please!" I almost laugh as a caterer comes along with some food and we each take.

I begin to laugh as I look at Toni and he asks what's wrong.

"I hate surprises," I keep laughing.

At the reception, I catch up even more with Toni and we spend the majority of the night dancing until it's time for dinner.

We go over to the head table and Toni sits with me as Chelsea and Chris stand up and begin to thank everyone.

Chris' best man begins his speech and I nervously go over mine.

"This is the worst part," I whisper over to Toni. "I'm so nervous."

"The Kat I know would set a high standard," he smiles before taking a sip of champagne.

"Alright," I smile. "That's actually helpful."

And before I know it there's a microphone being passed over to me.

"Hi, everyone," I stand up. "I'm Katalina, the maid of honor and one of Chelsea's best friends. Chelsea and I met a little over ten years ago and we knew this was a friendship that was going to last. Although we knew that, I never imagined myself making a speech at her wedding, so of course it isn't going to be amazing," the crowd laughs a little and I look over at Toni and the couple who's smiling. "I met Chris about seven years ago and I knew he was special. A great guy, look wise and personality wise. I never really believed in love to be this powerful thing, you know? More like the driving force of some fairy tale, but merely nothing in real life. Then I spotted these two. The way they looked at each other when they first started dating hasn't changed even today, years later. I can say that, in a way, they showed me that love really exists and I am so grateful to Chris for showing Chelsea nothing but love. Take care of her with all your heart, Chris. I wish you two the absolute best, I love you guys."

The guests begin to clap and I look over at Chelsea and Chris, Chelsea wiping away some tears and Chris smiling at me. I put the microphone down and I sit down. Toni brings me towards him and leaves a kiss on my forehead as he keeps rubbing my arm.

I remember that night when I told James my biggest fear was loneliness. I feel the love around me, but I'm just a tiny bit scared on the inside.

I look up and smile at Toni before the party begins again.

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