Chapter 2

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Y/N spent the next 1 and a half hours unpacking and getting everything sorted then thought it was about time that it started studying because its half yearlys were coming up very soon. Y/N took out all its books and notes and since its room was massive spaced them everywhere. On its desk, bed, floor and even some on the wall then it put a sign on the front of the door saying not to disturb it as it was studying.

Y/N got a solid 2.5 hours studying till someone just opened the door.

"Heterogeneous is when.., oh, sorry didn't see you there, hi dad" "hi sweetie, this is quintion, I would like you to meet him"

"hi quintion, im Y/N, sorry for the mess" "nice to meet you too and your good, i see you are the studious type" "well you got that right, i just feel that there is so much potential for every human being to be successful if they just studied" "honestly, sound about right" quinton said

"not being rude or anything dad, but did you like not see the sign on the front door?" "oh i did but it has been up for 2.5 hours so i thought you would be taking a break, but obviously not" "yeah no, not really, my half yearlys are coming up soon, so no time to waste now, but, i promise that the second they are finished i will spend all my time with you guys" "aaww thats so sweet, cant wait, hope you enjoy studying, be ready for dinner soon pumpkin" "ok dad, bye, nice meeting you quinton, talk at dinner" "yepp bye"

she continued studying and when was called for dinner had dinner.

"so how you liking living here so far kayla?" josh. asked

"I am so greatful for this opportunity, no words can exaplin how much i am thankful"

"aaaww its ok, we are just happy that you are happy" bryce added

she looked up and responded with a smile

jaden asked"so.. kayla how was it like living in the orphanage?"

"umm, it wasnt that bad i guess" kayla lied, she wasnt ready to tell them her true horrible story.

Sorry this is a little short, will try and make a new chapter every day, please comment down below other stories that you would like to read e.g adopted by hype house or josh richard's little sister so that I can make new books

Love, stephanie

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