Chapter 29

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The weeks flew by, and before anyone realised it the Christmas holidays were upon them.

Gia had been miserable. The continued silence from Draco was weighing her down.

On top of that, Rosy and Marcus had officially coupled up, and although Gia was pleased for them it was hard to ignore their constant gooey - ness when they were around each other.

"I'm gonna miss you", Rosy pouted at him, as she sat in his lap the day before they were to leave Hogwarts.

"I'll miss you more", Marcus murmured back, holding her as though she would disappear at any minute.

"Yeah yeah, we get it, you're in love, now shut up and let me concentrate". Gia snapped at them from the floor, where Daphne was attempting to teach her to knit.

"The fuck is your problem, Bianchi?" Blaise asked her, who was watching in amusement as Gia was failing to loop the wool around the needle the right way.

"She's just mad we're abandoning her over Christmas" Rosy cooed, bending down to pinch Gia's cheek.

Gia normally stayed at school over the holidays, as the cost of flying back home was high especially at this time of year.

"I don't care" Gia scowled, but she lent into Rosy's hand all the same.

Draco entered the common room. He greeted Blaise quickly before sauntering off upstairs.

"You and Malfoy still aren't over your little tiff then?" Marcus smirked at Gia.

"Draco can go to hell" Gia snapped, and Blaise laughed.

"It's probably something petty, just sort it asap please, it's getting a bit exhausting listening to him bitch about you at night".

Gia rolled her eyes. None of her friends knew about the incident in the library, and she wasn't sure they'd understand, given that she didn't fully understand it herself.

The next day, Gia saw her friends to the station, clinging on to Rosy's arm.

"Promise you'll write me every day?" she begged her.

"G, it's two weeks, you'll be fine! But yes, I promise" she winked at her as she boarded the train.

Gia handed her her trunk and hugged Marcus goodbye, and then Blaise who ruffled her hair and followed the others into the carriage.

"Stay out of trouble yeah?" He told her, and Gia nodded, waving at them goodbye.

Draco bristled past suddenly, his trunk almost knocking into her.

"Watch it" she snarled at him, and Draco turned to face her with a look that was normally reserved for the likes of, well of Harry Potter. It hurt, seeing him look at her with so much disgust.

Crabbe and Goyle, who rarely knew what Draco was mad about but always backed him, laughed at her, "crabby are we?" Goyle asked, "must be that time of the month", Crabbe joined it.

They boarded their carriage and Draco stuck his head out the window. "Have fun alone, Gia".

It was like first year all over again.

And just like in first year, Gia saw through his little act, and instead saw a sad, sad boy. A boy she'd upset.

So she swallowed all her pride and walked up to the carriage, speaking to him quickly and quietly so that only he would hear.

"Draco, those things I said to Beth, I didn't mean any of it".

He stopped laughing, an ureadable expression on his face.

"I only said it because-"

the train puffed, signalling it was ready to leave and Gia placed her hands on the window in desperation

"- well because I like you and I didn't want her to have you, I'm sorry it was selfish! Just please stop hating me, I can't stand it."

The train began to move and Gia watched it leave, finally allowing the tears to spill over.

Draco kept his head out the window, his mouth slighty parted as though he wanted to say something back.

But it was too late. The train picked up speed and Gia was left behind.

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