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Midnight, 144 day of 996 year AN
It's finally dark! I only need to grab my coat and I can go. Oh no! I saw guards... I need to run so they won't see me sneaking out.

Uhh... I'm out of breath... I need to rest for a moment. Inhale... and exhale... Breathe Lux, breath. Okay I think I'm fine.

Those doors look really heavy, but I know I can open them. I just need to try hard enough. I'm pushing, but they're not moving. Maybe I shouldn't get in here? I feel a strange power that draws me inside. I think if I won't resist it will help me open the door. UGHHH! Just one more push...

It's open! I stepped a few steps inside, but all I see is darkness. Oh wait. I heard something. Was it a whisper or just a rustle? I don't know... My senses are going wild in darkness. There is only a little light coming from outside and the shadow of the door cast darkness on the rest of the hall.

Hmmm, you're not a mageseeker... So what are you? - said someone in the dark

- Oh... I'm no one. - I responded terrified.

No, you're definitely not. There is something special in you... But why are you free and I'm not, when we're so very much alike! - he said furiously

I don't know...

- What are you doing here girl?

- Nothing, it's my duty to take care of prisoners...

- Don't lie. I see a pretty, young lady searching desperately for something. What is it she wants? - he asked me like he knew everything

I just walked in here and you know everything about me. How?

- I spent years in darkness and then you walk in. The brightest light I've ever seen. But you just wanna know who am I going to tell and what are they gonna do once they find out. Right?

- Please... don't... just tell me what do you want...

- Hahah! This is the problem you can buy way out of. Your money can't hide your power. You just wanna learn how to control it. - he laughed at me

You know nothing about me. And I'm not in the prison, but you are...

- Huh! I can put you in here too or I can help you. Choice is yours. But for now, I see you prefer the first option, don't you?

- No, I just want to control my still growing magic...It's getting late, girl. If you want to learn something come here tomorrow. Maybe we will get along... Hahah!

LUXOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora