

Harry dropped me off at home a few hours later. This time when we kissed I didn't feel any apprehension whatsoever. When he pulled away he told me he had some time booked to write today and he'd call me later.

I couldn't wait to see him again. Rather than dreading what would transpire between us, I was now excited for it. What else could he possibly say that would prove to me that he was here for me I didn't know but I couldn't wait to hear it.

I opened my door slowly, quite sure that Dori was going to come at me from somewhere and tackle me into the couch. I could hear something cooking in the kitchen. Dori appeared a few moments later. She smiled,

"I suppose I should've been worried that you were gone for two days..."

I couldn't help the smile from popping up on my face,

"I was." I said as I bounced onto the couch to sit.

She ran over with a squeal and sat next to me,
"Ok, so he doesn't have a girlfriend?"

I shook my head,

"Definitely not..." I stopped, mulling over if I should say the next few words or not. Ah, what the hell, "Unless you count me."

The scream that came out of my sister was a sound I'd never heard before. She pulled me into her arms,

"Oh my Goooood!" She pulled away, "Tell me everything."

I guess I should have been embarrassed about the fact that I'd been belligerently drunk and made a fool of myself but it seemed like a lifetime ago. Dori also knew my proclivities for going to extremes so it was no shock to her. When I was finished, I actually couldn't believe I had said any of the words I'd just said.

Wow, I was still in such shock.

She squeezed my hand,

"You're Harry Styles' girlfriend."

I felt a weird feeling in my stomach,

"You can't tell anyone, Dor."

She nodded,

"Oh believe me, I won't. I know how his fans get."

My smile faded slowly,

"How do they get?"

Dori quickly waved her hand,

"Don't even worry about it. It's not important." She leaned forward, "So when are you seeing him again?"

I layed back against the couch,

"Tonight probably."

"When's he gonna meet mom and dad?"

I rolled my eyes as I stood up from the couch,


Dori turned to watch me,

"Sylvie...one day you have to stop being so angry with them."

"That day is not today."

Dori had no idea what my parents had done and if I had it my way, she never would. As far as she was concerned my parents and I just didn't get along and we never had. My father was Dori's hero and my mother was her best friend, she would never be able to fathom what they'd done and I sure as hell wasn't going to be the one to kill her view.

She followed me into the bathroom,

"They wanna have dinner on Friday."

"No." I said as I readied my shower.

Harry Styles Scares MeWhere stories live. Discover now